UCSB Reads Faculty Panel Discussion at Goleta Valley Library
In collaboration with UCSB Reads, The Goleta Valley Library will host a panel discussion with UCSB faculty focused on themes found in the 2020 selection Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore by Elizabeth Rush. Q&A to follow the panel. All are welcome. This event is free.
Panelists include Sarah Anderson (Bren School, Political Science), Ed Keller (Earth Science), Eckart Meiburg (Mechanical Engineering), Monique Myers (Marine Science Institute) and Andrew Plantinga (Bren School, Economics),
Location: Goleta Valley Public Library Multipurpose Room. 500 N Fairview Avenue, Goleta 93117
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Phone Number:
Goleta Valley Public Library: (805) 964-7878
UCSB Library: (805) 893-2478
Contact email: outreach@library.ucsb.edu