Free Zoom Webinar: Recovery of White Sharks off California and What This Means for Coastal Communities
Dr. Chris Lowe is a professor in marine biology and director of the Shark Lab at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), where he and his students work with acoustic and satellite telemetry techniques to study the movement, behavior and physiology of sharks, rays, and gamefishes. For the last 15 years, Dr. Lowe and his students have been studying baby and juvenile white sharks off the coast of southern California and have greatly contributed to the field of knowledge for this enigmatic species. Using a wide array of technology, they have found that white sharks use southern California beaches seasonally as nursery habitat for their young. This brings juvenile white sharks in close proximity to beach goers. Dr. Lowe will discuss what they have learned about white shark behavior, risks they pose to beach goers and what coastal communities can expect in the future.