As many of you know, due to current circumstances, the Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Eco Hero Award event honoring Paul Stamets & Louie Schwartzberg, originally scheduled for March 29 at the Lobero Theatre, has been postponed until September 13, 2020.
But good news! Paul Stamets & Louie Schwartzberg have made their amazing Fantastic Fungi film available in digital format much earlier than planned for home viewing, and will have a special online showing of the film (small rental viewing fee) with a live Q&A session following with both Paul & Louie on Thursday, March 26, 2020. Please share!
A chance to gather as a united global mycelium network from the comfort and safety of our homes.
All tickets for the original March 29 performance will be honored for the rescheduled show at the Lobero Theatre on Sunday, September 13.
If you can’t make the rescheduled date, you can request a refund by contacting the Lobero Theatre Box Office at 805.963.0761 or by emailing Monday–Friday 10 AM–5 PM, and Saturday noon–5 PM.
Refunds will be available until Friday, July 17 at 5 PM. Many of you have generously expressed your support and concern by seeking to forego your ticket refund. If you are in a financial position to do so, we greatly appreciate these offers. Please let the box office staff know that you’ll be donating your ticket to support the Santa Barbara Permaculture Network.
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network celebrates their Second Annual Eco Hero Award honoring visionary mycologist Paul Stamets, and award-winning cinematographer, Louie Schwartzberg.
The Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Eco Hero Award honors those who have committed themselves to work in service of the planet and its inhabitants for thirty or more years, with actual solutions and concrete ways forward that benefit many, often on a global scale.
Both Paul Stamets & Louie Schwartzberg will be in attendance to receive the Eco Hero Award, and will share their experiences – what inspired them, how they made their projects happen, and what challenges they faced along the way, with time for the audience to ask questions.
Film clips from their collaboration on joint projects, including the amazing Fantastic Fungi film will be shown. A special treat for the community will be beautiful time-lapse moving photography of nature’s splendor on the outdoor wall of the Lobero Theatre, that Louie Schwartzberg also showed to audiences on the walls of the Vatican in Rome a few years ago. A reception for all ticket holders follows the evening talk.
Paul Stamets is an award-winning author, researcher, and renowned speaker, sharing with the public the unusual and profound connection between humans and mushrooms. He is an entrepreneur and founder of Fungi Perfecti, a family-owned, environmentally friendly company, and has authored many books including, Mycelium Running–How Mushrooms Can Help Heal the World, and Fantastic Fungi, written in collaboration with the Fantastic Fungi film.
Louie Schwartzberg is an American director, producer, and cinematographer recognized as a pioneer in high-end time-lapse cinematography, and visual artist known for breaking down barriers of perception and taking viewers on journeys of time and scale. For more than forty years his passion has been telling stories through film that celebrate life and reveal the mysteries and wisdom of nature, most recently with the conscious shifting film, Fantastic Fungi, where once again, he makes the invisible visible for his audiences.