Woman found dead in the parking lot of Sansum Urgent Care at 215 Pesetas Lane. Fire Department Engine 4 and medics are on scene.
Woman Found Dead in Sansum Parking Lot
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Wow! I hope she didn’t suffer and that she hadn’t been released from Urgent Care. A friend died recently at Cottage and he was being observed for a heart attack. He died of sepsis 4 hours after I left him. They were not giving him antibiotics. – Sometimes things are missed by doctors that don’t know you unless it’s uncomplicated. I am becoming very distrustful after more that one misdiagnosis of people I love by ER doctors.
Sad I’m sorry about your friend…
I find it strange that in the time it took me to post my comment below about Cottage and patient safety, in response to someone’s post about the woman found dead and the poster’s own friend who died of sepsis, which was missed at Cottage, that the original post was deleted. IMHO Facts should not be deleted even if people don’t want to hear what others have to say. Facts are not opinions, which might be appropriate to flag. I hope Edhat reconsiders how deletes comments.
When I follow your link to the ratings, I see the most recent ratings come from Fall 2017. Marian received an overall “A” and Cottage received an overall “B”. Not sure where your “C” allegations are coming from. You might want to review your “facts”.
When I follow your link to the ratings, I see the most recent ratings come from Fall 2017. Marian received an overall “A” and Cottage received an overall “B”. Not sure where your “C” allegations are coming from. You might want to review your “facts”.
OMG, the antique musket gang strikes again.
I check my facts, but it looks like you can’t be bothered to do anything more than click a link. If you had looked under the big letter grade you would have seen a link to see past grades. The site displays letter grades back to Spring of 2014. Cottage’s score is as follows: 2017: Fall B, Spring C, 2016: Fall A, Spring B, 2015: Fall C, Spring C, 2014: Fall C, Spring C. Marian’s sore is Straight A’s from Fall of 2017 to Spring of 2014. – In the future please don’t chastise people about facts if you can’t do the basic amount of homework or research required. All the information was right there directly under the letter grade and the link said: Show Recent Past Grades with BIG arrow right next to it. I was pretty obvious and your post just makes you look like an idiot.
I check my facts, but it looks like you can’t be bothered to do anything more than click a link. If you had looked under the big letter grade you would have seen a link to see past grades. The site displays letter grades back to Spring of 2014. Cottage’s score is as follows: 2017: Fall B, Spring C, 2016: Fall A, Spring B, 2015: Fall C, Spring C, 2014: Fall C, Spring C. Marian’s score is Straight A’s from Fall of 2017 to Spring of 2014. – In the future please don’t chastise people about facts if you can’t do the basic amount of homework or research required. All the information was right there directly under the letter grade and the link said: Show Recent Past Grades with BIG arrow right next to it. It was pretty obvious and your post just makes you look like an idiot.
Wow! Are there Cottage people flagging SBCOUNTYLOCAL or what? The posts are accurate and rational. Sad that people want to bully and suppress facts. If there are other resources that say Cottage is great. Show that, but don’t flag stuff that is correct. It’s just not cool.
No, this thread was originally about a poor woman who died in the Sansum Urgent Care parking lot on Pesetas Lane. SBCountyLocal has hijacked the thread and turned it into a Cottage Hospital bashing session. What does Cottage have to do with a death at Sansum Urgent Care?
A-1517713093. – Hate to say it, but it looks like user’s are bullying SBCOUNTYLOCAL. SBCL seems to be responding to a post made by someone else about the woman but others flagged it. It now looks to me like people don’t want to hear a something about Cottage, which had 2 posts to clarify one post. (Nothing wrong with that.) – SBCL even mentions there is a post missing in another post. – People need to chill out. Posts evolve and bashing a response when it is realated to the original post is unreasonable. We are all adults here. I am sure there is something good somewhere about Cottage, but can’t help with stating that. Why don’t you find something if you feel so strongly about it? As for me, it is sad that this person died alone. No one should be in pain or alone when they pass. We should be surrounded by loved ones.
Thanks for the link it is very helpful.
Cottage is in reality a “C” hospital. Cottage’s quality of care patient care to protect their patients from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections is measured and they are really more of a “C -“. -Just because the hospital is in Santa Barbara or the buildings are new does not mean that a hospital ranks well, it doesn’t even mean it’s good. Something people need to keep in mind. – Since 2013 Cottage (Santa Barbara) and Marian Regional Medical Center (Santa Maria) along with 2600 hospitals nationwide have been ranked by the top Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, which is becoming the gold standard in which to measure patient safety. Marian Regional Medical Center has earned A’s at each review. Cottage has earned mostly C’s with a few B’s and a single A with no consistent upward trajectory. – It IS difficult to change how institutions function and Cottage has shown marginal improvement, but I question this for my own reasons. The lack of consistent and durable improvement says something about Cottages long-term management and practices. It is worrisome. Marion Medical, in Santa Maria, on the other hand has gotten straight A’s and that speaks volumes to me. – Needless to say I won’t make the mistake of taking by family to Cottage again unless I know it is something very straight forward, but even then I would have a second thought. If you want to check out the grades of Cottage or Marian you can go to:
I even briefly passed on and saw the other side and it was horrifying . I thought I had been good all my life.lol