Why so many dead bees in Carpinteria?

By an edhat reader

We noticed a number of dead bees on our walk along Carpinteria State beach on Saturday afternoon. Noticed them again on Sunday, but in the water. Is this due to the cold weather? Has anyone else noticed this in SB County or have any insight into the uptick in dead bees?


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Humans have directly caused the extinction of 90% of animal species on earth.
    Animals & insects today, are still dying in record numbers ( decimate is only a tenth),
    due to human existance, & the number will continue to grow..
    Pollution of every model vital to support life, over population & resource depletetion (greed) will continue..as will bee numbers drop in accordance, until there are no creatures left to pollenize needed plants to sustain life.
    There is one fix though…vote for-just kidding..
    There is no fix.

  2. I have everything you suggested, and still fewer bees are here now. I’ve resorted to pollinating my avocado by hand as there are not enough bees for this. Half the blossoms on my apple tree didn’t turn into fruit, either. Let’s see if the pesticide/agribusiness monopolies can figure out a way out this mess, Ollie.

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