Who Clears Weeds on Bike Paths?

By an edhat reader

There are lots of weeds on the Las Positas bike path. Just wondering who is supposed to take care of the “weeds” along the new bike path, it’s really getting over grown.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. It was a very wet winter and weeds grow! Those who use that “path” should clear the weeds that are along the sides. …I don’t see any on the path, itself, except the sides. I live near an elementary school and near daily on school days I pick up the trash that’s dropped. Parents and school seem not to educate about public spaces. Those who bike and stroll along Las Positas should do the same! I think a large part of the path, at least the Modoc part, is in the County but if it’s in the City, forget about Parks and Rec doing it since that department has a deficit and a lot of demands on it. Hand clippers and bags are not expensive; or do nothing and wait for thorns to give flat tires….

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