By an edhat reader
There is a landscaping company doing work at a neighbors house. The guys showed up a while back at 6:45 A.M. cranking music while unloading supplies. I called the company, and no one answers. This is a big company.
They are back and the music is already going full bore. I speak fluent Spanish and like the music, but feel its inappropriate for companies to do this in small neighborhoods.
The company doesn’t answer. Can the police be called?
Getcha boom box rumbling. Sing along, be glad there’s work to be done.
You speak Spanish. Talk to the guys. They will do as asked. Do you speak English? Try that first.
Instead of calling the company why not just walk over there and speak to the superintendent/supervisor?
I agree with others that suggest a good ol’ fashion meet and greet. Say your piece (or would it be “peace”) and request the quiet until an agreed reasonable hour. It works !