The caves on Santa Cruz Island were a popular spot for excursions (Photo: Santa Barbara Morning Press, April 16, 1911)
By Betsy J. Green
Santa Barbara’s Nature Study Club ventured out to Santa Cruz Island for their monthly excursion in September 1919. “The painted cave of fairy grotto toward the west end of Santa Cruz Island was the first stop. The large boats anchored in a quiet cove of ultramarine. Kelp of remarkable beauty of form and color grew in this secluded spot. Fishes of all sizes and shades darted about or swam lazily under protecting branches of sea flora … their touches of color intensified the spectacular effects. Boatload after boatload of delighted viewers were taken within the marvelous cavern.”
Betsy’s Way Back When book — 1918 — is now available in local bookstores and at This is the fifth book in her series of the history of Santa Barbara, one year at a time. Learn more at
Not real sure there’s a lot of interest in trips out there right now. Following a tragedy to plug a book’s a little weird to me.
Tagged is right!! Wake up!
Tagded that is . Ur 100% right. People in SB need to wake up. Tragedy still being mourned & promotion of this book isn’t appropriate right now.
Hello. The book is not about the islands. It is about the year 1918.
Tagdes: grow up.