Way Back When: A Wild 1914 Storm

By Betsy J. Green

Here’s a look back at another wild January storm we had in 1914. Three bridges along Mission Creek were carried out by the flood and two bridges on the east side were destroyed.

A number of houses along the creek were also floated away. Ocean waves swept over Cabrillo Boulevard and carried away three sections of pavement 75 to 150 feet long.

The beach was covered with sodden belongings, furniture, and even wagons that had been swept along by the wall of water that roared down Mission Creek. Witnesses said it sounded like a freight train. And several rattlesnakes were washed up by the storm.

Betsy’s Way Back When book — Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions — is now available in local bookstores and at Amazon.com. This is the seventh book in her series on the history of Santa Barbara. Learn more at betsyjgreen.com​.


Written by bjgreen

Betsy J. Green is a Santa Barbara historian and author. Her books are available in local bookstores, and at Amazon.com. (Shop local if you can.) Learn more at betsyjgreen.com.

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