(Image: Library of Congress)
By Betsy J Green
In April 1919, several celebrations were held in Santa Barbara to welcome and honor the soldiers returning from the war in Europe. One was held at the Masonic Hall which was then located at Haley and Canal (Olive) Streets. The local paper reported, “Rousing Reception for Colored Youths. The reception given by the colored folks of the city in honor of the three colored youths who went from here to the war, drew a large crowd to the African M.E. Church … where a very fine program was enjoyed.”
The three men told the crowd about fighting in the trenches, the welcome they received from the French people, and demonstrated gas masks. “There were other talks and lots of good music, the program throughout being of the best.”
Betsy’s Way Back When book — 1918 — is now available in local bookstores and at Amazon.com. This is the fifth book in her series of the history of Santa Barbara, one year at a time. Learn more at