Water Down The Drain from Hydrant Shear

By 915Films

Follow-up to the Thursday’s box truck vs hydrant hit-and-run on S. La Cumbre Lane.

The city repaired the hydrant and had neighborhood water, including 5-Points Shopping Center, back online after the expected few hours of work. However, they left a 4” pipe sticking out of the ground with water pouring into the street.

Seeing the water still flowing Friday morning, I tried navigating the City’s voicemail maze on a City wide day-off day.

I ended up contacting our councilman. This triggered a call from the water district explaining it. He said they are waiting for a part that won’t be here until Monday. Work for the repair will not start until Monday 11:00 PM as they need to wait until restaurants and other business that will be affected by an interruption in the water supply are close. That means that this water will be flowing down the drain non-stop for 3 1/2 days.


Written by 915films

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  1. With all the money in taxes we pay for public works. They should have a genie that pops out and plugs the water pipe. What a bunch of BS can’t get the part till Monday with the way they spend money they should have ten spare parts of every sort down at the city yard or county yard.

    • 5 days to fix a flowing, not leaking but FLOWING, pipe is not “as soon as possible”. We are 2 hours from LA, you can’t possibly tell me they couldn’t have gotten a temporary part within 5 days. It’s not the end of the world obviously, but it IS lazy and embarrassing.

  2. Fire hydrants are supposed to have a dedicated isolation shut off valve in order to shut off just the damaged hydrant. This is usually in the street directly in front of the hydrant.
    This “leak” tells me that perhaps the dedicated shut off may be defective or be blocked semi-open. Seems odd they don’t keep replacements of valves of all common sizes on hand at all times though

  3. This is actually the perfect time to have this problem. Lake Cachuma is full and excess water is spilling out of it. We have more water than we can store, so this waste is of no co sequence. And more rain is coming this week. The real waste is our failure to do ncreaee the capacity of cachuma. We could have saved a vast amount of additional water, but too many people had become convinced it would never rain enough to fill the lake again.

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