Wastewater Pipe Rehabilitation Begins

Source: City of Santa Barbara

This month 4.2 miles of City sewer pipe will be rehabilitated. Pipes were selected based on material or age, as some date back to the 1920s. Contractors will clean and video inspect the pipes from street manholes and then use both trenchless and traditional trenching methods for the work.

This type of rehabilitation allows for the continued, uninterrupted operation of the wastewater collection system. This system is a continuous barrier, maintaining the health and wellness of the built environment we live in. Rehabilitating sewer lines provides City residents safe, reliable, and cost-effective sewer services for generations to come.

QUICK FACTS Location: 83 locations throughout the City
Construction Schedule: 9 months, spring 2019 through winter 2019 Total Project Costs: $2,100,000
Funding Source: Wastewater Fund

Click here for more information.


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  1. The City has been going all over town for at least the last 18 months citing home owners and making them responsible for replacing the wye, where their home sewer connects to the main in the center of the street. In any other city the responsibility for this piece of plumbing is the city’s, the home owner’s responsibility stops at their property line. I had to pay $7,500 to get my mandated work done, and HALF of that was the permits the plumber had to pull. With logic and foresight they’d go street by street and replace the ancient pipes and wyes all at the same time, instead of waiting to react every time there is another break and flooding.

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