Vehicle Crash on Olive and E. Haley Streets

By Geo Duarte

Monday night, three out of four involed vehicles appeared to be totalled.  Right around 9:25 PM two employees at the MTD Bus Yard, off Haley St. heard two consecutive, and very loud booms.

Unsure of any serious injuries. No ambulances or SB Fire present. Likely a non injury accident. Under investigation.

Could have been a more serious accident. Thankfully, it was late in the evening,

Just as an opinion here, the car most damaged appears to have been sent in a spin to hit at e least 2 of the other vehicles.The car further down the road has a dent on the  left side and possible rear tire axel damage, yet seems to have maintained it’s structure and direction.

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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    • Status update, last nite we had a few good runs! (from the sounds of it…) So this morning (since I wasn’t able to sleep all that well) walked down to pick an Indy and MJ near “ah juice organic cafe” & figured I’d see what was left. The FORD Explorer still has it’s left front tire on the curb, won’t be gong far with both rear wheels pointing to the left. The FORD Ranger (w/camper-shell) looks to only have the issue of the right front wheel/axle.

    • True, the eternal Tailgaters. Also the Also, the On-Rampers that dont leave space for cars on the freeway to merge. They wolf-pack on to the freeway causing back-ups and collisions.
      I think this specific one was cross-trafic related. The main actor took alot of damage. I asume that one did not yeald. Although possibly there may be another vehicle that left the scene. Onsite PD was not answering questions. So here I am again assuming a whole lot.

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