Unopened Food Throughout Downtown?

By an edhat reader

We find “perfectly good” / unopened food items in parks and along the streets in downtown Santa Barbara.  Why do people leave these things?
Just curious!


Written by Anonymous

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  1. I dated a girl downtown once and gave some leftover lunch to a young homeless guy. He seemed to be on drugs but looked deeply miserable with filthy clothes and bleeding scabs. Half a sandwich made his day. She was disgusted, asking why I even paid attention to “that dirty bum.” Needless to say we didn’t date much longer. Everybody needs love and compassion. It’s disgusting to see many “Christians” be so quick to judge and neglect a human being less fortunate than themselves. Jesus hung out with prostitutes, lepers and criminals, not condescending self-righteous snobs.

  2. Remember the parable about the 5,000 hungry men, women and children who followed Jesus away from their towns, and he fed them all ? His disciples wanted to send them back to buy their own food for themselves; Jesus refused, opting instead to heal their sick and give them food. The snarky comments come from those who ignore the very socialist nature of their savior. Oh well.

  3. Jesus must have had a good sense of humor, but perhaps he would not approve of my comment. He would, however, approve of our buying and donating food for 80 people x 1 week, every month. No United Way profits for bloated management, just 100% cash for food for hungry mouths and it only takes about 2 hrs a month to do.

  4. I just have to say, it’s awfully ignorant of you to say that you don’t benefit from having a military to protect you. It’s also ignorant of you to say that the men and women that served are basically getting “welfare” when they collect the VA benefits that they earned. You obviously don’t know it, but VA benefits and welfare are not the same. You should put your ass on the line for $1000 a month. I know, you’re going tom say, “They volunteered to do it”. That’s exactly my point…

  5. While there are Christians in this world who “are quick to judge and neglect a human being” (just like the general population), keep in mind that Christians are everyday making a major impact in Santa Barbara and around the world in serving the less fortunate, downtrodden, neglected and marginalized. If you are not aware two of the largest providers of services to the homeless in SB are in fact Christian based organizations. Christians serve and aid the less fortunate as a way to reflect the love that Jesus has for his people . Checkout the websites of both the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission and Salvation Army. Consider supporting these worthy organizations through volunteering your time or donation your resources.

  6. CWANZY i challenge anyone who says this. You like those stimulus checks? what about our library or your social security? what about the police and fired department? Socialist programs. So are the schools. I find it so amusing when people say that and have no idea what it means and probably can’t even define socialism on their own…

  7. its simply human compassion, nothing more, nothing less. not all of us are hate filled humans…some of us care about others without having to know the other. some of us really really care. i volunteer weekly at various places. I mentor children with no dad. i give food to homeless. i’m no saint, not even a remote amount, but i won’t let other americans fall if i can help.

  8. I PAY taxes for schools and police, even though I sent my kids to private school. I PAY into Social Security, even though I’m only going to get back a small portion of what i actually paid. I DIDN’T get a stimulus check because I make too much. So, where am I a socialist?

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