Two Separate Rallies Take to the Streets on May Day

May Day Rally for local service workers (Photos by Eric)

Update by edhat staff
May 12, 2020

Two separate rallies were held near Santa Barbara’s City Hall on Friday, both connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Around noon, a group of people in approximately 100 vehicles joined an event dubbed a “Freedom Rally” in the De La Guerra Plaza.

The group waived American flags and held signs advocating the reopening of California, as well as some political signs promoting Trump and Pence. Reports from people in attendance stated the majority stayed in their vehicles but some were mingling in the plaza without wearing masks.

Similar rallies took place throughout California demanding Governor Newsom lift the stay-at-home orders.

A second protest, unrelated to the first, began around 6:00 p.m. and focused on supporting the working class during the pandemic.

May 1st is the International Day of the Worker and Day of the Immigrant, local organizations and nonprofits came together to call on the Governor and legislators to cancel rent and mortgage payments providing financial relief for the working class.

A caravan of vehicles started at Canon Perdido and Quarintina Streets in Santa Barbara and circled De La Guerra Plaza before passing county buildings. Vehicles donned signs that read “Food not Rent” and “Si Se Puede.”

Groups that supported the effort included Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE), Future Leaders of America (FLA), Casa de la Raza, El Centro SB, Food & Water Watch, UDW AFSCME, UFCW 770, SBCAN, and The Fund for Santa Barbara.

“Eviction freezes are only temporarily holding back an avalanche of debt that will leave millions of families with crippling debt and potentially trigger a new economic crisis,” according to a press release from CAUSE.

It’s estimated that a third of U.S. apartment renters didn’t pay their April rent during the first week of the month, according to new data to be released by the National Multifamily Housing Council and a consortium of real-estate data providers.

“Locally the crisis has affected thousands of families even more, as over the past five years in Santa Barbara, rents have grown at triple the rate of wages, and local communities were already dealing with a housing crisis before the COVID-19 crisis,” wrote CAUSE.

By an edhat reader
12:30 p.m., May 1, 2020

I got a call from a coworker that DLG into Anacapa is blocked downtown right now with a bunch of cars plastered with American flags. Is there a protest happening now?

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Written by Anonymous

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  1. No this is a FreeDumb rally. This was posted on John Davies’ Facebook page: “SANTA BARBARA – ROLLING RALLY FOR FREEDOM
    When: 05/01/2020 12:00 PM (local)
    Where: City Hall – 735 Anacapa St. & De La Guerra Plaza, SANTA BARBARA, CA, 93101
    Meet at City Hall at 12PM local time with an American Flag, signs displayed in car window or use window chalk/shoe polish for the windows, play patriotic music, honk horns and turn on your headlights. *** We will drive around the circle of de la Guerra plaza and then drive down State Street to the Pier.—————-The MayDay protest is scheduled for 6pm this evening (More info here:

  2. As long as they’re staying in their cars. It’s when these fools start mingling and not distancing that grinds my gears. You have the right to protest, but NOT the right to spread a disease! When your actions cause this whole thing to last even longer, that I say eff your “freedoms,” you’re ruining it for the rest of us!

  3. It was an Open California rally. It also about calling out government overreach. Some of us don’t want to or can’t afford sit on our asses watching Netflix. The left used to be about civil disobedience.

  4. LAKERGIRL – the government is trying to keep you and your family safe, that is all. Fine, go out and protest, it’s a beautiful day for it, but please realize that going and doing things like this, if not being safe and distant, will result in an even longer closure. It sucks, we ALL hate this, but some of us are biting the bullet and doing what we need to keep our community safe and alive. Ignoring the safety issues here will just make it worse. I hope you all wore masks or at least staying 6+ feet apart!

  5. The more you slow down the spread of the infection, the LONGER the virus will last. The virus will be with us until herd immunity is established which requires about 2 out of 3 people to be infected. This means that most people are going to get this virus whether it be sooner or later. With the numbers of new cases we are seeing in santa barbara, it will take us years to get to herd immunity. How many years are you willing to continue living like this?

  6. chip of sb: my elderly father with diminished lung capacity due to cancer and my son with asthma can not afford your “herd immunity,” getting this could easily kill them. So, I’m sorry, but screw that BS and the snowflakes who can’t handle a temporary restriction on SOME parts of life. Your “right” to not wear a mask or get your haircut ends when it kills my family. I will do whatever it takes to protect them, even if lose income for a bit. Why is it so hard for you people to think of others? Your lost wages are not as important as peoples’ lives. How many of your fellow residents need to die to make it “worth it” for you people??

  7. We had the virus in December. We’ve developed herd immunity. Domestic violence is up. Wait until the suicides start climbing. I too have an elderly father. I go out for him. You can protect vulnerable populations while opening up the economy.

  8. I believe what @2:34 is saying is: they are sad that someone (LakerGirl?) was fast to react and also slow to comprehend something, and that ignorant individuals, although blissful, are simply ignorant ……

  9. Sam the dog you aren’t being forced to stay at home. You can go to the store, go to the beach, go to the park, visit friends (safely), heck you can even go out and protest today. I’m not forcing you to do anything. I’m saying that there are thousands (tens probably) of vulnerable people in our population here. Do it for all of them, not just my family. Do it for your community. It’s really not that hard! Yes, it sucks for some businesses, but it will pass. It’s better to lose money than lives, that’s all I’m saying.

  10. It’s definitely not a loser parade: they have the Aztec Dance Troupe, the guy who used to sit in front of the Art Museum almost daily for 20 years with his “People Suck” and “Merry Capitalismo” signs, and a smattering of intuitive healer/artists. Basically, a huge fun party.

  11. I grew up in Santa Barbara. Sorry to see so many that are insulting. We have had less deaths from the virus than car accidents, murder and cancer and yet we don’t shut down people’s rights, freedoms and livelihoods. Again, you have the right to stay home. Your fear doesn’t override my freedom.

  12. How exactly are the non-vulnerable supposed to support the vulnerable with everyone’s businesses closed and livelihoods ruined? Who pays for medical treatment when everyone looses their insurance? Are we supposed to rely on the government to take care of everything? As a non-vulnerable person going back to work is doing it for my community, the non-vulnerable staying at home is destroying our community.

  13. I agree Sam. Those who go to work make it possible for those who wish to isolate to do so. In addition, around 2 out of 3 people need to get this virus to achieve herd immunity. I think it’s better that healthy, younger people get out there and become those 2 out of 3. We can’t hide from the virus forever, and the shut down policies have a severe human cost too.

  14. LAKERGIRL – that because “car accidents, murder and cancer” aren’t contagious, and not only not contagious, but such that they don’t spread quickly and easily to others without you even knowing you have it. THAT is why. Please, the whole “other things kill too” is a tired and flawed argument.

  15. I have a great idea! Why don’t those who want to be released from the lockdown just volunteer to become infected and get us closer to the 29-74% HIT required for herd immunity? It would only take a couple of weeks, unlike the mythic vaccine.

  16. LAKERGIRL. Born and bred in Santa Barbara and I’m sad to see that you don’t feel the need to read up on a subject, but nevertheless still feel compelled to share your lack of knowledge on said subject.

  17. The only way to have “herd immunity” it to expose the healthy ones in the herd… It’s like ANY virus, the more exposure, the weaker the virus becomes… Hibernating in your homes isn’t helping unless you are over 70 or have underlying heath conditions, namely lung issues….

  18. Open California protest should not be about which party you’re from. (Both parties are quite embarrassing at the moment if you ask me). This should be a time of unity from all sides and should be about our rapidly failing economy and the fact the we need to get going NOW! Those that are sick, old or just scared can stay home until further notice while the rest of us try to keep the country going for you. Hospitals and grocery stores ain’t gonna keep us afloat.

  19. This is not a very informed post. This virus affects people of all ages. Look at the ages of people in our county that have it. Plus, it is the asymptomatic people that are spreading this virus. Without mitigation, the R0 on this virus was almost 6.

  20. Check the ages of cases in our county. Plus the herd immunity argument isn’t working out so well in Sweden. Because we didn’t act back in January, mitigation is what works to get the R0 under 1.

  21. COAST: I agree with your sentiment about us building herd immunity. With respect to underlying conditions, cardiovascular disease (10.5%) and diabetes (7.3%) appear to be the most serious conditions, with chronic respiratory disease (6.3%) and abnormally high blood pressure (6.0%) nearly tied for 3rd. In terms of numbers of people with COPD, that’s only (coincidentally) about 6.3% of the US population. Compare that to 47% of the US population that are hypertensive. In that sense, “lung issues” are not really that big of a concern.

  22. Probably not MAGA “freaks” as you say. One grey-haired guy with a “man bun” was mumbling something about the 60s, and his partner was wearing super-short shorts that said ‘JUICY’ across the backside waved at folks with some sort special salute – not sure what t-h-a-t was all about, but, whatever. A woman in a San Francisco tie-dye shirt carrying a sign that read: “We Want Justice!” Identical twins on unicycles and juggling avocado pits, and even an “Uncle Sam” guy who appeared amused at the whole spectacle.

  23. Coastwatch’s language may be simply poorly drafted but the fact is that the virus does not get “weaker” from exposure. It is just as effective the more people it reaches and in fact may mutate from that process and become more virulent. What is true is that we can sacrifice the most vulnerable until most of the population is either infected or dead and get through it in that manner. This is what humanity has historically had to endure. I hope we are more knowledgeable and more caring now.

  24. Let common sense dictate. The numbers don’t hold water. Let’s move on, at least gradually- If the seating capacity of a restaurant is 50, let them open with 25 … This is now about control and having an upcoming election, there is manipulation. As this ridiculous CLOSE down continues, we will ALL be paying out our asses and losing the gains we all made since 2008.

  25. This virus is nothing like the flu. Much more damaging payload that is happening to even health individuals. There seeing a rise in stroke activity with this virus. Clinicians around the world are seeing evidence that suggests the virus also may be causing heart inflammation, acute kidney disease, neurological malfunction, blood clots, intestinal damage and liver problems, stroke and heart problems.

  26. At face value, Sweden is not doing well. By April 22, its mortality rates from COVID-19 were the tenth highest in the world, with 17.3 deaths per 100,000. By comparison, its neighbours Denmark, Norway and Finland ranked 17th, 22nd and 31st, with 6.4, 3.4 and 2.6 deaths per 100,000.

  27. I said without mitigation ! This is what the infectious disease experts have said. R0 was going to be 6. Extremely, extremely contagious. These comments on here are extremely upsetting and really horrible to community. I can tell people are not educating themselves. Governor said today that restrictions would be adjusted in “days, not weeks”. So all you people who want to go out, hold tight for a bit longer.

  28. i’ll say it again.. look at the avlidna/dag graph. that’s deaths per day. there is a CLEAR TWO WEEK DECLINE, even though infections have been steady.
    if anything, this proves my point even more.

  29. CASES, are not going up dramatically, they are steadily pulsing each week with 4-day peaks in the 500-700ish range. remember sweden is NOT trying to Flatten the Curve with all it’s might. they are aiming for more exposure than most people… so naturally they will end up middle of the pack on the world graphs. The cases they have this most recent 4 day peak are only ‘slightly’ higher than the 4 day peak around 4/7. 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks… no exponential growth of cases. not even a curve. look at the peaks.

  30. It’s not an open California protest. According to the signs it’s about bailing out workers and rent relief. It looks leftist rather than right. They’re maintaining social distancing if that matters.

  31. Why the anti-government rant? If you want to say that some of us trust the government and some don’t OK. But you tarnish your opinion by dismissing those who have other thoughts and other facts as partisan only.

  32. What nonsense. We have car accidents as part of the benefit that automobiles bring to us. We regulate and police their use. This is not an apt comparison. We also aggressively go after criminals. This is different. I suspect you would also point out that volcanoes exude lots of carbon dioxide and therefore burning fossils fuels is OK.

  33. LakerGirl: My mother used to tell me that people who do not like themselves are the ones who lash out. I was bullied senseless when I was younger, mainly due to a speech problem that I had/have. At my 30th HS reunion, one of the “bullies” from back in the day, came up to me to apologize. I accepted his apology, He mentioned that he was out of work, so I set him up with an interview at a company that I owned at the time. I told the HR person to make sure that he got the job. When he got married, I sent him on a nice honeymoon (Australia for 2 weeks). At the birth of his first son, I set up a fund so the family would not have to paying college tuition. At time of his wife’s death, we took care of all funeral expenses, made sure he and his son had the best counseling money could buy, and let him “work from home” for a couple months. So, the point is, when these folks get joy out of bashing you, just remember….they don’t like themselves, but treat them with dignity, respect, and above all else: Love. I hope you father is as well as can be expected, and he’s lucky to have someone like you to help him in his time of need.

  34. You’re right we don’t need them. We already are doing the work for you. Everyone who is an essential worker, this includes every contractor and their employees. You just stay home and collect your government benefits, we got this.

  35. Well said. If you’re scared, then just stay home! If the whole county is infected and you’re safe at home, then you’re fine! WTF? How is this so hard to understand? Is this really just the ED trolls or how everyone in SB county feels? Super dishearting.

  36. LAKERGIRL–“The Government” isn’t a monolithic entity with a single consciousness. People who think that there is a single brain making all the decisions for “The Government” are simpletons. “The Government” is a collection of hundreds of thousands of people from all different walks of life working sometimes together, sometimes in opposition to each other, to achieve a vast array of agendas, personal, public and private.
    “The government is never doing anything altruistically”. How do you you even make a statement like that without laughing at yourself.

  37. The term “novel” associated with this new corona virus alludes to the fact that it is NOT like anything we have seen before, is not just a flu, and most importantly, that we do not know enough about it yet. There is no scientific consensus that “herd immunity” will solve this. According to some studies showing prompt reinfection, there is uncertainty how long immunity will last. There are troubling uncertainties about long term effects in those recovered, and why it also kills some young people with no underlying conditions. Of course we need to social distance. That should be obvious. The only thing that should be in question is HOW we do so and also keep people afloat. There are good solutions out there I am sure, although clearly our leaders haven’t got it quite right yet. That still doesn’t mean we should just immediately “open up.”

  38. Meanwhile the vast majority are trying to keep all of us as healthy as possible and End this sooner rather than later while A small minority of folks like you jump the gun aNd will end up dragging this out for another month or more. Thanks 42072

  39. Hmm. Eggs, In your head it’s a small amount of people that want to reopen but in reality most people really do want to reopen or at least move to phase two asap. Do you go out? Do you leave the house? I am outside daily living the most regular life I can considering our limited options and everyone I talk to is ready to move forward.

  40. One tiny parade in SB sends some through the roof. Meltdown. Unhinged. Patriots be damned. Freedom fighters versus America Last. I am going to provide my opinions versus we censor your opinions. Let the sun shine on all of us versus do not let the sun shine on those we disagree with. Love and be at peace with yourself. Out….

  41. Wonderful to see local Patriots out taking back their Constitutional Rights to assemble and speech! When’s the next Rally? Was this even posted on EdHat? I’m miffed I missed it. OPEN UP SANTA BARBARA! I need to work to earn to remain American

  42. “Thousands rallied across California”–not such a big thing in a state of 40M people. But they absolutely have the right to do this–unfortunately though it seems the event is a calculated political manipulation by more cynical forces who probably stayed home behind their computer screens and out of the vector of COVID-19.

  43. RHS, projections are based on what you state…….projections. So far, almost all of those projections have been thankfully proven untrue. That is not medicine or science and also, so far, those professionals are still in disagreement on both the origins, treatment, and methods of containment.

  44. Thousands dead dying or sick while some people equate restriction of beach privileges, keeping socially safe distance and wearing a mask threats to their freedom. It blows ones mind. This spoiled, self centered group luxuriating in their outbursts don’t even know how to use basic common sense. There are many good , courageous people here in California, our Governor Gavin Newsom, hundreds of amazing health professionals, police, firefighters, masses of first responders and a legion of volunteers, struggling to keep us safe. One wishes the selfish inconsiderate protesters would stop and take a good look at themselves, their country’s plight, pull together and help us all get through this war against Covid19

  45. Really? This is not about going to the beach or having to where masks. This is about shutting down businesses. People who own businesses would gladly require customers to wear masks if that could mean keeping their business open. I see this as two sides – the Takers = people who are fine with the economy being shut down and wanting to get gov’t handout vs the Makers = people who want to go back to work or re-open their businesses.

  46. SBL @ 3:59 – Ah yes. Those mythical “makers”. They don’t make that much, but they’re happy to take what they don’t make from others, who are suddenly “takers” once they’re out of sight.

  47. If you think “nonessential” people and protesters are being selfish and inconsiderate locally, I encourage you to read this and tell us what you think. This is not just about our local beaches, masks, Newsom, our city council, or our health providers and anyone dedicated to our safety:

  48. If the midwest and southern states continue to grow at a rate of 1,000 new CV-19 cases a day and open up as they are starting to do, 100,000 dead will be achieved in a few months as the virus spreads and deaths rise exponentially. Perhaps folks protesting and going into close contact with no masks think they and their families won’t be infected. But this virus spreads “like fire through dry grass” and has morphed into east coast and west coast strains. Research is ongoing to which, if either, is the more deadly. But kill it will, and not just “old folks”. The Italian/east coast strain hits all midlife to older victims with a vengeance.

  49. These people make me so angry. They will only prolong the lockdown and bring on a second wave of the virus. I worked in a restaurant. There is NO WAY I’m going back there too early if it opens and putting my life at risk or the lives of my family. All of these protesters should pick one person they love in their life and say “OK, I’ll sacrifice that person” because they all think it will happen to someone else, not them. This is stupidity and it’s rampant. The government ISN’T taking away your freedom you idiots.

  50. BUS: There are like 100 of these people in town, and “they” make you so angry? Several years ago I got my priorities in order, and life has been so much smoother since then. SB is filled with counselors and “life coaches” who can help you out if such a need arises. Life is too enjoyable in SB to let it be ruined for you by 0.25% or less of the population. Remember: Prioritize = less anger, frustration, and more love for everyone in your life. May peace be on your side; let the hate flow away.

  51. “Freedom Fighters” afraid to get out of their cars…… If we ever have to truly fight for our freedom, I hope I don’t have to fight along side these guys. Or more accurately out in front of these guys.
    Social distancing has nothing to do with “freedom” or politics. It has prevented a major public health crisis in CA so far and it will get us through this….and back to semi-normal….faster than anything else. If we re-open everything prematurely and get hit with a major 2nd wave of this…..these “freedom fighters” will be wistfully longing for the good ole’ days of Spring 2020.

  52. ah look.. a “second wave”-er. and yet, our own county’s data reporting, STILL does not even show graphs of ‘numbers per day’ … “guys, how do we scare the public by showing them a graph that’s always going up? i know, Running Totals only!” = = makes you wonder why they aren’t showing you just how minor our first wave was. (and how late the “wave” rose AFTER distancing policies were instated around the 1th of march weekend)

  53. This article about the protests left me amazed and prompted a plethora of “Why?” in my thoughts. Why were these local Santa Barbara city protests only posted ex post facto? I heard about the protests in Ventura, Santa Maria, and Solvang both in print and on the radio beforehand, but not here. Why? Why do some people say this is not about politics and then go on a political diatribe? Sadly, it is very much about politics and division in this country; the Left seems to mostly support lockdown, seemingly forever if necessary, until there are zero cases or some 100% effective vaccine is developed and the Right wants the opposite in most regards. Why do people keep posting inaccurate or downright fake news from the media, such as we are going to see a huge spikes in states that open up? Why do so many people fear they are going to die if they contract the virus when clearly most people have either recovered, mild or no symptoms at all and the death rate is at 2% or less, half of which is mostly in New York and its clone state New Jersey to people with underlying health problems? Why is the curve continuing to go down yet people are still hiding in their homes, denouncing people who protest and exercise their rights, and our city council institutes a useless “must wear a mask” order that even Newsom hasn’t enforced? Why do some people think there will be some huge second wave if we open up our economy and businesses? Everyone can and will answer their own questions. But it is clear that if the virus has revealed one truth, it is that there are many disturbing issues both in America regarding our dependence on China, how far our government is willing to challenge the Constitution and strip former freedoms, how easily prosperity can be destroyed, and that we will never be fully prepared for viral pandemics. Hindsight on all of this will be very interesting, indeed.

  54. Bigone–you rant about people who polarize the issue and allegedly make up facts then you proceed to do the same. Over 65000 Americans are dead from this disease and projections are that we will see at least 110,000 by November. These are not all the diseased, inferior, corrupted, indulgent people that you seem happy to dispose of in the name of your interest in going about on the beach without a mask. The projection of spikes and return of the disease are based on what medicine and science has taught, it is not fake news, This is why it is being posted–for you and others to consider the impact of their conduct. So please consider that your call for temperate behavior applies to what you say as well what you object to in what others say.

  55. If our children have to undergo mass shooter trainings in schools to stay safe because of the lax gun laws in our gun worshipping country, then the LEAST these idiots can do is wear a mask when they go out. FFS.

  56. Despite Social Distancing Measures…………………..March 31, 2020 WASHINGTON — The top government scientists battling the coronavirus estimated on Tuesday that the deadly pathogen could kill 100,000 to 240,000 Americans as it ravages the country despite social distancing measures that have closed schools, banned large gatherings, limited travel and forced people to stay in their homes.

  57. I think all these selfish people across the nation protesting right now is obnoxious. My dad is in the military and I don’t see him whining about reponing states, the reason why theses states are closed is that trying to contain this virus is a big to-do because it needs to stop. The protester who think they know it all isn’t even social distancing. I think us non-protesters need to control these outta hand people. Yes I am a young adult and still developing an opinion, but the only way these protesters will get their way is to stop protesting, go home, stay home or get something essential than social distance from people.(They just don’t understand) TOGETHER IF WE STOP PROTESTING ANd STAY HOME AND DO OUR PARTS TO STOP THIS CHAOS. THANK YOU, FRONTLINE WORKERS, GOD BLESS THE FRONTLINE aKA ESSENTIAL WORKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. 420722 – “while the rest of us try to keep the country going for you” – how mighty full of yourself you are. While the rest of us are trying to protect you and the rest of the community by social distancing and avoiding others, go ahead and get yourself sick.

  59. And how many dead if we just go back to “normal” activities? NPR says “that without strict social distancing, 2.2 million people in the United States could die. ” Not just elderly die, so some small percent of that is people like me and you.

Citizen Science During the Pandemic

Temporary Highway 101 Closures in Gaviota