Santa Barbara Police have arrested two men for stabbing another man in downtown Santa Barbara on Tuesday evening.
Jesse Andrew Mendoza, 18 of Santa Barbara, and Matthew Mendoza-Bimbela, 24 of Santa Barbara, were arrested for stabbing an adult male.
Around 8:45 p.m. Santa Barbara Police Officers responded to the 500 block of Fig Avenue, the small side street off State Street between W. Haley and W. Cota Streets.
Initial reports indicate the three men knew each other and were involved in a verbal argument that escalated when one of the suspects reportedly stabbed the victim multiple times.
The victim has yet to be identified but was transported to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital by a ground ambulance.
Mendoza and Mendoza-Bimbela were arrested about two hours later a few blocks from the incident and were booked into County Jail with a $1 million bail.
Both were booked into the Santa Barbara County Jail, with bail set at $1 million, Ragsdale said.
On Thursday, Mendoza was charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and two enhancements. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for December 14.
Charges against Mendoza-Bimbela were unable to be found through court records.
This is a developing story.
SBT: slight “Clarification” as to my 8:28 AM comment Sunday morning 12-10-2023, I was attempting to be succinct. That being said (\Verbose mode ON), introducing a firearm to a non-firearm situation will never “Improve the outcome”… I joined the US ARMY near the end of the Vietnam conflict (War), so yeah “Old guy”, luckily(?) I was stationed in Germany so didn’t get to see that nightmare (well except the results that it did to those that were there) personally. I did receive a pretty high “Lotto number for my birth date” so I wasn’t “Drafted” otherwise I would have been sent to war. I was able to receive an Expert marksmanship badge, and have owned a few pistols myself. I’ve had friends who wanted to “Try” them, so going to the range (sometimes the “Glass factory) I’d start them off with the Ruger 22 to see how they handled it Before stepping it up to the S&W 357. If they handled the 357 OK/safely then let them enjoy the Colt 1911 45, which was always impressive as you could actually see the round meander down range, of course the impact of that round was devastating (that’s what it was developed for). Safety was always my main concern, as was the “cleanup” afterwords. I’ve been with “Shooters” that had bought rather impressive firearms (Mac 10, etc.) but had NO idea what they were doing (like shooting at the boulder that was 5′ in front of them with absolute scary results) sending me back to the car for MY safety. I’m pretty much against the “Open carry” for the majority of the populace due to MY own experience with how SOME people handle firearms. I consider myself a rather good/excellent shot, but the open/”conceal and carry” thing still doesn’t fly, way to many variables. Most people do not comprehend that once you fire off a round (depending on the caliber) it isn’t going to stop just because you were “Aiming” at that plywood backstop (or more than likely whatever you were aiming at & missed!). I was “introduced to firearms” (and their safety) by dad when I was a teen, after that picking up an 8mm Mauser rifle (hence the resulting “Expert” in the Army). (\Verbose mode OFF)
I will not address YOUR “border crossings” issues…
Yes, I qualified as “Expert “ myself while at Ft. Leonard Wood. Yes, I’ve been to the “Glass Factory “ many times, yes, there are many idiots there which is why I avoid it now and prefer Winchester Gun Club.
Yes, I agree much extensive training is needed before carrying. Sad to say these times may require the use of firearms to protect one’s self.
The inner cities have become hell holes and police are overwhelmed.
As to your last comment, the Border is not “My” issue, it’s “Our” issue, just ask law abiding folks who live next to the border.
sbTEJANO – thanks for the reply, I’m glad we agree on my main point “introducing a firearm to a non-firearm situation will never “Improve the outcome”…”. I felt that it was appropriate to comment on what you said: “The inner cities have become hell holes and police are overwhelmed.” so you’re referencing Goleta/SB/Summerland/Carp(?) I can see where Montecito would fit that description with all those types of people, but if you mean like Chicago/Hammond/Kiev then it sort of doesn’t really apply to this Stabbing in Santa Barbara? I was hoping I made it evident that my main objection was the ”conceal and carry” part of your original post. I’m attempting to take the “High Road” (as they say) and not discredit/disrespect you just because I disagree with what you stated.
I actually started my Army stint at “Fort Ord” which was sort of interesting, one of the favorite memories was getting to “Jog to the range with full gear” (roughly 3 miles each way) only to get to turn around & do the same back due to “Whales in the area” (at least that’s what they told us at the time), this happened more that once.
I didn’t want to even go into that border thing, because that is also irrelevant to the SB stabbings…
Just say’n…
Gun nuts float around in a strange macho fantasy world where violence dominates their thought processes.
This comment made me cringe.
Stop fantasizing and check into the real world.
You’re the one in the fantasy world with a comment like that. There are no gun nuts here, unless of course you use the leftist definition where “gun nut” means anyone who doesn’t think individuals should be able to own any firearms.
“the leftist definition where “gun nut” means anyone who doesn’t think individuals should be able to own any firearms.” – uh… “leftists” define the term “gun nut” as someone who thinks no one should have a gun? You might have confused yourself a bit there.
Sheep vs. Wolves
Men vs. Cowards – you know, like the guys too scared to leave the house without a gun……
So, are gun owners the “wolves?” Predators who prey upon the sheep? Good God, man. What a scared and angry mindset.
Two guys fighting one guy and stabbing him with a knife…. In Downtown Santa Babara at 8:45, close to Joe’s, Starbucks and where diners and tourists walk- and why is downtown SB dying?
Really nothing new.
It’s all good- No story coverage on KEYT, just the $hit going on in Santa Maria or Oxnard… Classic.
KEYT’s coverage is lacking all around. I wouldn’t worry about that. They spend most their 30 minutes covering weather, repeatedly. I counted 3 times last time I watched it.
Yeah, because “Jesse Andrew” and “Matthew” are such common Latino names…..
Sorry to burst your immigrant hate bubble, but would you mind providing some evidence showing that undocumented immigrants are causing the “rise” in crime?