Two Detained Following Westside Standoff

Update by the edhat staff

Sanat Barbara Police and a SWAT Team responded to a standoff in the Westside neighborhood on Saturday morning.

Around 8:45 a.m., officers responded to reports of a loud noises and screams for a potential domestic disturbance in the 2000 block of Mountain Avenue.

Officers set up a perimeter around the area as they were not allowed to enter the home. 

Scanner traffic, reported below, stated there were multiple juveniles inside the home that were able to safely evacuate while police were on the scene.

After several hours, two adults exited the residence and were placed under arrest. 

The Santa Barbara Police Department states Isai Perez, 32, was arrested on suspicion of delaying an investigation/resisting an officer and child endangerment and Vanessa Ayala, 29, received a citation for alleged misdemeanor delaying an investigation/resisting an officer and child endangerment.

By Tagdes

Hostage situation involving SB Police and Several juveniles .

Details are murky.


Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. I did hear this call over the radio. I heard the children were around 3, 5, and a 12 year-old. Although, these deatails could be wrong. They soon called over the radio “…can we bring out the bearcat?” Which means the SWAT and Negotiations Team are coming out. They said they had the female on the phone, although she still would not come out of the house. I beleive they cited and released her to avoid having the 3 children go in to protective custody. Neighbors heard loud banging and loud arguing. No other major details were heard on the radio that morning.

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