Truck Fire at SR-246 and 154 Roundabout

Around 3:00 p.m. [Tuesday] a truck fire shut down lanes of Highway 154 at the SR-246 roundabout in Santa Ynez.

The lanes of 154 were completely blocked due to the fire. Caltrans/CHP issued a full closure of SR-246 to prevent any other vehicles onto the 154.

For reference, CHP identified this as the roundabout and Caltrans stated this was closer to San Antonio Creek Road.

A Hazardous Materials situation was issued by CHP due to water runoff contaminated from gasoline from the fire entering a nearby storm drain.

CHP reopened lanes and the area around 5:00 p.m.

Non-Injury Hit and Run in Isla Vista

In other traffic news, CHP reports a Honda crashed into a light pole near the intersection of El Colegio Rd and Camino Corto in Isla Vista around 5:15 p.m. Tuesday.

The driver fled the scene and it’s being investigated as a hit and run.


Written by BobScan

Bob is a volunteer scanner reporter for who posts breaking news heard on emergency traffic frequencies.

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