(Photo: US Coast Guard)
Source: Santa Barbara County District Attorney
Trial Confirmed for People v. Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. on Criminal Charges Resulting from the Refugio Oil Spill on May 2015.
District Attorney Joyce E. Dudley announced today that the Jury Trial of People v. Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. will begin on February 5, 2018, in Department 1 of the Santa Barbara Superior Court. The People today dismissed the charge against Plains’ employee, James Colby Buchanan, for failing to follow a material provision of Plains’ Spill Response Plan. That charge remains one of the crimes alleged against Plains. The People will file an amended Indictment before the start of trial to set forth charged crimes that will be presented against Plains. Additionally, Mr. Buchanan was served by the District Attorney’s office with a Subpoena for Appearance as a witness.
The case stems from the events that occurred around May 19, 2015, when a 24-inch subterranean oil pipeline, commonly referred to as Line 901, ruptured. The rupture allegedly caused the release of raw crude oil from the pipeline, which then surged down a culvert under the U.S. Highway 101 and into the Pacific Ocean off the Goleta coastline near Refugio State Beach.
A copy of the Second Amended Indictment, once it has been filed against Plains All American Pipeline, L.P., can be obtained at the Records Department of the Santa Barbara Superior Court, Criminal Division.
Any YOU buy their products or products produced with their product…who’s the goose now?
So, people buy “products” produced with oil? Doesn’t mean it’s “their” product. They sued us so as not to follow our safety regulations; they deserve to have their goose cooked. British Petroleum pulled the same stunt, telling Congress (paid 16 mil to lobbyists) how safe they were and didn’t need any more safety rules. That sure turned out well, especially for the 11 workers killed! I suppose they shouldn’t have gotten their goose cooked either since we “use their product”.