My wife went out to meet a friend and ran back in quite upset about the scene this evening (January 5) from our front door in Goleta:
I ran back to get my camera and caught up with her talking to young man who had been playing basketball in Girsh Park. He said he heard the impact and it was horrific. The posted speed limit there on Santa Felicia Drive is 25 and there are several speed humps. This happened on the curve right behind Costco.
Here are a few photos I took without getting in the way of the emergency responders.
I talked to a woman who was standing near me in Girsh Park. She turned out to be one of our neighbors on Pacific Oaks Road. She also said she heard the impact only about ten minutes before I saw her at 5:40PM.
I walk past that spot all the time and I am always scared of people speeding around that curve. Please think about others when you are driving. You may not care about your own safety, but no one deserves to be hit at high speed by someone on the wrong side of the road.
“Safe Driving is No Accident” is a slogan of past road safety campaigns. I also would like to amplify a proper use of language: Please don’t call such horrors “accidents”. They are “crashes” or “collisions”. It is no accident when someone exceeds the speed limit beyond their ability to control their vehicle.
Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE) is one of many organizations asking people to change this use of language and to be mindful that streets really are for everyone:
This Google Maps pin shows the approximate location of the collision.
Would like to hear more information about this incident..
LadyLove Thank you for your comment. I also would like to know more about what happened. There is no cross traffic at that location. Can anyone offer more information or how to find out?
Thank you for sharing your experience and genuine concern in your article..I’m wondering if possibly the car who was hit could have been minors and that is why there is not any mention or information about this incident. It looks as though that young man was really traumatized from this incident and he had a really great friend supporting him..praying that everyone was okay, and if anyone in the other car was injured, I pray for their recovery and for their family…I used to live in the Pacific Oaks Apartments right at the corner there…I remember hearing people speed around that corner constantly…

Sending love and prayers