Teens Drinking at Hendry’s Beach Bonfire

By Geo Duarte

More than a dozen teenagers drinking beers on the beach on Saturday night.

Fire service response, plus, law enforcement also requested.

In my opinion, hope the kids do not get cited. Back in my day, when there were many more freedoms, this would not have been much of an issue.


Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for edhat.com. More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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  1. The good thing about this is that they weren’t reported to be fighting, shooting guns, or lighting off fireworks/homemade explosives. Back in the day we had a beach fire at Leadbetter near the point, the fire was starting to diminish and there wasn’t much in the way of dry driftwood available. Well….several of “the boys” scurried up off the beach to the corner of La Marina and Shoreline and returned about five minutes later with about a 12-foot section of picket fence…into the fire it was tossed. Cannot imagine waking up in the morning to see that a portion of my fence was missing: “What the ‘H’ happened to my FENCE!!!!”

  2. agree with poster, hope they didn’t get cited….this is just what we do as teens. i did it, all of my friends did it, people we dont know did it. people before us did, and generations after us did. Now we live in a thin skinned world where everyone thinks everyone elses business is theirs to get involved with. I have some incredibly fond memories of bon fire parties at Hendrys in the 80s. My first kiss. My first bonfire, my first acoustic guitar song, my first girlfriend, hours of songs and laughs and a few fights and a little vomit, but all in good times. Spent many a night camped on the beach with friends too. Now, they haul you off to jail for simply being a teen. Lame.

  3. The comments are pretty amusing! I too grew up drinking at the beach, often at Mesa Lane, the rock, Schofield Park… And quite often, someone called us in and we got tickets for being a minor in possession and/or drinking in public. They were like $50 back in the 80’s. True we did it, but even back then, we paid the consequences.

  4. Many fond memories of doing this in the 90s. Glad that kids are still being kids and doing what they’ve done for decades (or more). We had an adult bonfire (with beers) at Haskell’s a couple months ago and saw many young people out there doing the same. Consuming alcohol in public is not the end of the world (unless you’re in the USA).

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