A teenager flipped a Mustang in the Hope Ranch neighborhood on Saturday. A witness stated speed was a factor in this crash.
At around 4:10 PM on February17, the teenage driver of a red Mazda Miata lost control after entering Las Olas Dr. from Roble Dr.

Skid marks were visible headed toward an embankment where the car then collided and flipped over. The driver was able to get out of the vehicle and was seen by paramedics. It is believed the driver was transported to Cottage Hospital for further evaluation.
The vehicle is a convertible Miata, with no roll-bars. It is unknown if there were other passengers. No other details are available, except for photographs.

It’s a Mustang. And it looks like its got roll bars, otherwise I’m astounded the kid made it. I’ve driven Mustang convertibles since 1992. Rolling over has always been a concern. But I took an advanced driver class from Bondurant back in 1987 and realized that racing on the streets is stupid. Too many variables. I’m sorry for the kid. Maybe his folks will get him driving lessons and a Miata, instead of an over-powered muscle car.
With a Mazda logo, MX-5 badging on the trunk and Miata taillights?
Hey porkrind, it might not be a Mustang, but those are the widest tires I’ve ever seen on a Miata. Front is totally not Miata. I don’t know how you can see the Mazda logo. But, whatever. Porkrind!
Look more closely. That’s absolutely an NB-series (1998-2005) Miata stock front and rear end.
The wheels are aftermarket, and the tire sizes are wider than stock, but there’s a lot of room under the fenders for fatter tires, one reason those are so popular for autocross events.
Yeah, Mant, what a failurr. Dummie mov. Testosterone is MFer! Slow the hell down kids!
That’s a Mazda Miata, not a Mustang.
Thanks for the info… seems like it don’t matter whut the car is. Totaled. It’s neither now, just a chunk. Thankfully the kid is OK or hope he is all good.
Yeah, doesn’t matter much.
Teenager + red sporty car? Poor outcome is not surprising!
If the car was a sensible brown or green, this wouldn’t have happened. I kid, but I think I have heard that some colors are more likely at least to be pulled over. Is that a thing?
Speed is the main factor dangerous fast maneuvering.
You got it!
Nope, color dosen’t matter.
Yep, and that color is white, maybe a friend could google that info for you.
Bruh, institutional racism is when you cant get your freedom to leave the homestead ranch. When you get darker and darker and the promises are lesser and lesser like a sad dance or a negative tone. When Tha Bank wont give a loan due to the resonance of your perceivable skin tone. When genocide or lack of resources have done away with your tribe and your native homes. When they pump in the shhh with the chemical jonez. Make them All, All, let it Be Known. Gentrification, Eminent Domain, Assimilation, and Breaking each one by constant strain on the BRAIN 2 the SAME and then hopefully to the SANE! – X.T.O EXCTO!!
TAGDES – seriously, what is your problem?
Did I really touch a nerve that hard when I suggested a road was dangerous? That was over a year ago. Let it go, troll.
Mommie and daddie must be so proud
The kid was just speeding. Lesson learned.
PS — My last accident was in 1986, that’s when I signed up with Bondurant. Everybody should learn to drive properly. NOT like most of the drivers I see and know. Most drivers have no idea of what to do in a skid, no clue about emergency responses. Sorry, my personal rant! High school driver’s ed is the absolute minimum we need to attend before driver’s licenses are permitted.
Correction: It is Mazda Miata. And, note to self, always zoom in to the back of the car to verify make and model. This specific version look more like a Ford, most Miatas are more curvy. This one got me, my apologies. I’m not gonna as Edhat to correct it.
What a mess this could have been fatal, the embankment slowed his speed and likely saved other people. fugg!!!
These photos are great. look at those sKIDmarks.
Yeah that third pic shows how the flying ended. Lucky dude. Wow! what skate marks WOW what a noseslide!
What skid marks? I see an upside down car scraping down the road. No braking that I can see. Jeeze.
Forget what You think You see! The skid marks were before the car hit the dirt embankment. Look at the other photos they are out there. LoL The metal-skid-marks do exist, and are evident in that photo.
Dic: “A skid mark is the visible mark left by any solid which moves against another, and is an important aspect of trace evidence analysis in forensic science and ..”
It’s easy to keep them straight. Remember, Mustangs veer toward crowds and curbs, not embankments.
Still a Mustang!
Pretty sure it’s still a Mazda (probably yes the MX5 as mentioned above)… Look closely at the front end (what’s left of it!) little to nothing under the circular hole, which is a “trait” of the Mazda line. Pictures help this is a nice visual example of what I’m referencing:
BTW, the whole thing about red cars is B.S. We are not bulls in a ring with a matador waving a red cloth. Red, white or polka dot, it’s the speed and the driver that do it. I had my worst accident ever in a VW bus, going too fast on a wet road.