(Courtesy Photo)
The rumors are true, Target will be opening a new location in Santa Barbara by October of this year.
The Target Corporation has confirmed it will open a “small-format” store at 3891 State Street on the corner of La Cumbre Road, where the Galleria now stands.
It will be approximately 34,000 square feet and will include a CVS Pharmacy and order pickup.
Merchandise will include men’s and women’s apparel and accessories, kids’ and baby care products, fresh groceries, wine and beer shop, home décor, health and beauty products, and a curated selection of electronics, entertainment, and sporting goods
This past October, Target opened 11 “small-format” stores across the United States aimed to create a streamlined shopping experience. These new stores vary in size from 12,000 to 80,000 square feet, significantly smaller than their average 145,000 square foot store.
According to Business Insider, these smaller retail stores will feature an inventory and atmosphere curated for each location’s local consumers. These new stores are meant to serve densely populated urban and suburban areas where shoppers are likely far away from a full-sized Target store.
If you are concerned about parking, just hop on the MTD 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, or 11. Too many eco-conscious people in SB never step foot on our buses….amazing, but predictable.
I don’t ride the bus nor will I ever.
What did Cathy do?
Kudo’s to our planning commission. They fought for years to keep Target out of town, only to protect their friend’ business ventures. Now they let Target into a very small location, with very little parking.. Jerks! They are so good at choosing the winners instead of letting the citizens, who pay their salaries, decide on their own.
When is our Costco gasoline station going to come in? Gasoline prices in the Storke Road area are off the charts due to their protected status.
Thank you government for working so hard to limit my choices!
What did you say about riding the bus?
Are Target and City officials out of their collective MINDS? OF COURSE we need a Target—but not THERE. The Galleria has—what?—something like eight parking spaces? And by all means, let’s go there on the bus—schlepping clothes, appliances, food, Xboxes, toys, and all the other wonderful accoutrements of Target shopping. That should be fun to coordinate at the MTD Transit Center during the shuffle to the bus that goes to your neighborhood. Better yet, let’s all ride our bikes to the new Target. I’m sure I could carry a 50″ Samsung TV home on my Peugeot 10-speed. Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. Begging for a local Target and getting this abortion is like wanting a new Lexus and being given a 15-year-old Hyoondai. What the hell is the matter with the old downtown Macy’s location?
This will be like the Dick’s Sporting Goods opening at Camino Real. Once Target realizes all the hoops they have to jump through, they will cancel.
Thank you Helene and Cathy???