SUV vs E-Bike Collision at Cliff Dr. and Mesa Ln.

SUV Vs. E-Bike Collision at Cliff Dr. and Mesa Ln. (Geo Duarte)

SUV vs E-Bike Collision at Cliff Dr. and Mesa Ln. on Tuesday, January 30th just around 4:00 PM.

An E-Bike was traveling south on Cliff Dr. when he was struck by a white Infiniti QX60 also traveling south and turning right on Mesa Ln. The male rider was taken to Cottage Hospital with unknown injuries.

At the same time, the rider’s wife was unaware her her husband had been struck, as she was riding ahead of her husband. She soon stopped and wondered where her partner was. She then looked at her phone and turned back, as a friend notified her of the situation.

The female driver of the white Infiniti stayed on the scene, immediately stopping on Mesa Ln.

“Statistically” SUV vs. Bike accidents tend to be more serious than sedans vs. bicycle or other low-profile vehicles.

One good possible Google quote to note here, could be this next one.

“When a cyclist gets hit by a vehicle, SUVs are more dangerous than cars – they cause more severe injuries. On average, the overall trauma to the body is 55% higher and head injuries are 63 % higher in SUV crashes.”

Be safe my fellow riders, stay aware.

SUV Vs. E-Bike Collision at Cliff Dr. and Mesa Ln. (Photo: Geo Duarte)

SUV Vs. E-Bike Collision at Cliff Dr. and Mesa Ln. (Photo: Geo Duarte)

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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  1. When you’re on a bicycle, e-bike, e-scooter: Be especially aware of vehicles approaching you from behind at intersections. 90% of the near misses I have had while riding my bike were due to drivers cutting me off as they executed a right turn. You would think because they are coming up behind you, they’d see you and not turn in front of you. Wrong. I’ve bounced off the sides of cars, been forced to turn with the vehicle (to avoid a collision) and have had one driver (who came really close to slamming into me) blow me kisses when I yelled out, “You nearly ran me over!” What’s fun is the stupid, STUPID excuses I’ve heard, whenever these drivers and I end up talking face-to-face. ***When you ride —- ride like everyone is out to get you.*** Wear a helmet. Don’t be plugged into earbuds or looking at your cell phone. And —- if you’re confused about east-west/north-south: The ocean is south, the mountains are north. I wish all the best for the man struck by the Infiniti. I hope, bro, you sustained no serious injuries.

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