The “suspicious” box (Photos by an edhat reader)
The suspicious box in downtown Santa Barbara has been deemed safe after its owner returned and the bomb squad investigated.
Roger the Scanner Guy reported the discovery after 1:00 p.m. in the 100 block of W. Anapamu between the former Orfalea Foundation Center and La Torre building.
John Palminteri of KEYT News reported the owner of the box returned to the scene after 3:00 p.m. and confirmed the contents of the box just included straps and tie downs.
Reported by Roger the Scanner Guy
A metal box in the 100 Block of West Anapamu, SBPD is on the scene.
I just learned from a memoir about river rafting that boxes like that are used as latrines, and called “groovers.” Because all human waste must be packed out of the river and they can be sealed up tight, and because sitting on one to defecate leaves, well, grooves on your butt cheeks. Now you know.