Suspected DUI Driver Arrested by SBCC

By Geo Duarte

Around 8:30PM Wednesday (Aug. 30), a young male was suspected of DUI on Oceano Ave near Santa Barbara City College.

A neighbor reported the male was driving a driving a gray Toyota Tacoma that’s also a rented Zipcar. He backed into a wooden fence at least twice and “appeared to be very intoxicated” manuevering in “a really tight driveway,” according to the caller.

The Santa Barbara Police Department arrived and performed a breathalyzer test and took the driver into custody.

The vehicle was searched by PD for more evidence, all while a Super Blue Moon shined in the sky above the Mesa.



Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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  1. Geo – I suspect the PD searched the car more for any items of value to inventory before the truck was impounded. Once they impound the car I believe they are responsible for its contents. The driver, when picking up their car, might say they had a laptop in the back seat that was missing. The inventory confirms yes or no. During their search the cops could find an open container of alcohol or other illegal material, another violation. I believe they are more concerned about valuables in this case.

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