Suspect Identified for Allegedly Stealing Ambulance

Update by the Santa Barbara Police Department
September 1, 2022

Dispatch received a report on August 27, 2022, just after 10:00 pm about an ambulance that was stolen from the parking lot of the Hilton Hotel, 600 East Cabrillo Blvd.

The ambulance employees contacted the Santa Barbara Police Combined Communications Center (CCC) to report the incident. SBPD CCC was able to get the GPS tracking device on the ambulance activated in order to provide real-time tracking abilities to the responding officers.

Several minutes after the GPS tracking was activated, officers responded to the area of Garden Street and East Carrillo Street where they located the ambulance driving north on Garden Street. A high-risk traffic stop was conducted, and the suspect driver was taken into custody without incident.

The suspect was identified as Jacob Martin Barrios, 44-year-old transient. He was booked in Santa Barbara County Jail on felony vehicle theft and driving on a suspended license. His bail was set at $30,000.

The ambulance was returned to the company undamaged and without any items missing from inside.

Update by the edhat staff
August 28, 2022

Santa Barbara Police responded to a report of a stolen ambulance in the 1100 block of Garden Street on Saturday evening.

John Palminteri reports the empty AMR ambulance was stolen from E. Cabrillo Blvd. in Santa Barbara while emergency personnel were responding to a medical call at a hotel. 

Shortly thereafter, Palminteri reports the ambulance was spotted on Garden Street. The suspect was held at gunpoint before being arrested. 

Reported by an edhat reader
August 27, 2022

  • Saturday night on Garden street, 1100 block, major police response. What’s up?

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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    • Lol you’re clutching your pearls. Remember when Covid started and all you chicken littles thought a barbarian horde was going to ride through town? I remember people saying in hushed voices that bank robbers would be everywhere because of masks. That looting and assaults would be rampant without guaranteed jail time. Now you latch onto every crime to vindicate that hysteria. The real question is why was the ambulance left open to steal? And why do EMT’s, people who literally save lives, make less money than most restaurant servers?

  1. If your suggestion to others if they don’t like what’s happening in their town is to tell them to “go ahead and move”, I’d say that’s bs.
    Look back and think about scenarios. How about this for example. Hey, you donot like the fact that you couldn’t get waited on in a restaurant around here? Too bad, go ahead and move.
    Hey, quit complaining because you couldn’t get hired fairly around here because someone didn’t like the way you looked, go ahead and move.
    Too bad you got pulled over and harassed because you look like you do, just shut up about it our go ahead and move.
    So what if you got yelled at while walking around with your family on a sunny afternoon, just shut up and deal with it, it doesn’t bother me – go ahead and move.
    I think there’s a few here who are ALWAYS ready to put it into a Dem vs. Repub fight here, you against me, context. I’d lose that mentality right about now if I were you. Think differently maybe. Big picture is do you think things are going in the right direction in SB, and CA in the past few years, or not. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, without being told to get the h-ll out. That’s bs.

    • None of those scenarios are analogous to what is be complained about. Honestly, why would anyone live in a town/state that they hate and despise with such passion and feel will never change? I sure as shinola wouldn’t stay. Go be happy somewhere that aligns with your ideals. SB clearly doesn’t.

    • Nuance is difficult for some people…

      The guy obviously hates it here. Declares the entire state a massive failure. Feels oppressed. He is crying and whining and complaining and not doing anything to change HIS situation. Its HIS choice to live a life of misery. That is no skin off my nose, or anyone else’s… But he should change the only thing he can actually change. In this case, that’s him packing up and moving to somewhere that isn’t CA. He would be happier in a place that matched his vision and ideals. That’s what America is all about. Picking up and starting over. No birthrights. No lords…

  2. No because maga fascists were only living under rocks – waiting for the next great nefarious Anti-Christ to take it’s form and allow racism, homophobia, violence, oppression, bullying to become normalized – and that ugly form turned out to be a fat, bald orange man with a hair piece spewing hate. Like Archie Bunker times 1 million. The ugliness crawling under rocks for decades reared its ugly head. At least they’ve shown their true colors so we can see the darkness and document it before they are forced back in their holes.

  3. If this happened in another city in another state, the police would have shot the person. No arrest, going to trial and no jail or prison time. Unless they survived the gunshot wounds, which in some cases when the police do shoot suspects they do not survive. Makes national news and saves the taxpayers $$$$$$$ from the suspect going to trial. The SBPD did not shoot the suspect and was arrested, they will go to jail or a mental facility, then to court at the expense of the SB taxpayers and the suspect will get a little slap on the wrist by the judge and assign a kumbaya case worker or a social worker for the suspect if they have mental issues. Typical SB in handling these type of cases. OK folks! Hit me with the arrow down for my comment! Make my day!

  4. Maybe the guy who stole the ambulance was thinking of going into business. Hauling people to the hospital for a discounted rate of $3,500
    The anecdote about the $4,500 cost for the AMR ride illustrates how much the street drug addicts and alcoholics cost taxpayers. I’d be interested how much the City of SB pays AMR to roll out on a call that does not result in transport.

  5. I think there’s a lesson to be learned from this Eastsider stealing an ambulance. Maybe the guy is not an Eastsider, but he certainly wearing the uniform…..pretty easy to spot if you pay attention to such things.
    GeneralTree has every right to be upset with his life, and he is well within his rights to post exactly how he feels about how things are going. Most guys w-a-n-t to come across as “macho” for some reason. Macho….now that’s a good word to describe a certain person. GT is correct as things ARE going poorly, from inflation, deficit, huge spike in crime, DAs not prosecuting felonies, and for most folks a huge drop in quality of life. It seems our pols are more interested in dividing us at every turn. Californians as a whole are for the most part not respected across the country, except in a couple of states. Have any of you traveled outside of the country recently? I’m not talking about out of the country like an all-inclusive gated-resort colony in Cancun. People cannot believe what our extremely weak leaders are doing. Of course, they’re all for the a$$istance we are giving Ukraine (btw, about half those dollars are going down the rabbit hole). It’s ludicrous to actually believe that the reason we’re in this big mess is because someone likes to eat Chik-fil-A, or voted for a certain orange president a few years ago. Half the country are facists….Really?

    is way more balanced a read than the “Red State Murder Problem”
    Lets look inside the numbers Mississippi population 3M.
    City of Jackson , Mississippi led by Chokwe Antar Lumumba (Democratic Party) who vowed to make Jackson, Miss. “the most radical city in America” homicides doubled from 2019 to 2020. In 2020 , Jackson pop. 130K accounted for over 1/4 of the states total homicides (128) and eclipsed that record by 2 (130) by Novermber 1 2021 and finished 2021 with (150).
    So removing Jackson population and homicides from Mississippi’s total spreads the remaining (300) homicides over 2.85M people. You can go down the list of the largest cities in Misssissippi and check for political control, check actual homicide numbers and come to your own conclusions.
    Another of the most dangerous cities in America is blue run Memphis, Tennessee which accounted for 342 of the Tennessee murders. Total murders in Tennessee was 662, so pop. 1.2M Memphis has half of Tennesee pop. 7M Homicides.
    New Orleans pop. 1M had 218 murders
    Baton Rouge pop. 745K had 114 murders
    Shreveport pop. 190K had 90 murders
    These three accounted for over 1/2 of all of Louisiana (730) murders but less than 1/2 the population
    Missouri pop. 6.1M
    723 Murders
    Kansas City (244) pop 500K
    St Louis (195) pop 305K
    These two blue cities accounted for around 5/8 of the murders and less than 1/6 the population

  7. There are a handful of commenters on this site who apparently have nothing to do but troll all day long, and bring virtually every topic down to red vs. blue politics, and Trump. They really degrade the quality of Edhat, in my opinion. By the way, “liberals”, it was always the tactic of ultra-patriots and nationalists to say that if you don’t like this country, then leave. There’s nothing “progressive” about that stance, it’s just weak, cheap bullying, which pretty much describes most of the comments from the self-appointed Edhat Squad.

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