Subject Abusing a Dog

By an Edhat reader

A man is abusing his dog, the reason behind is the dog has fleas. Neighbors have heard the dog crying in the past and were told unless there was proof of abuse nothing could be done. Today a woman witnessed it and called the guy out his excuse for hitting the dog. “The dog has fleas.” Animal Control is off on the weekends hopefully someone who cares about animals will come out and check on the dog…200 Block of South Milpas


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Call SBPD with time of the incident, the location and description of dog and abuser: 805.897-2410 (Police Dispatch). Police can have a talk with this piece of filth guy. Request that SBPD pass on the report to Animal Control for follow up. Don’t let SBPD slack off on this. Insist a report be made and then call Animal Control on Monday to let the agency know this has been an ongoing case of animal abuse: 805. 963-1513. If you have more than one witness to the abuse, pass on that person’s info to Animal Control as well.

  2. The compassion of people nowadays for living things is very limited or non-existent (especially neighbors in this particular situation), such that if a living being is crying out for help as this dog apparently is, nothing is done, and society is fine with that. I see from recent child abuse cases in the news that the same thing can and does apply to children crying out for help, who have been left to their abusers by authorities.

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