By an edhat reader
At 8am on Memorial Day we were awakened by jackhammers and crews working on Portesuello Avenue. It was not an emergency, as there had been signs announcing that the work will take place several days in advance. The cruelty of waking the neighbors up on a day they might have been planning to sleep in aside, how does the City determine what work takes place on holidays, given that labor costs a lot more?
Quadruple time (the City has our $)The most interesting thing is I believe the City is doing the paving project on Cabrillo, if so its gonna take a long time
This is the free enterprise system at “work”. Almost certainly the people doing this job were contracted by private companies which do not recognize holidays or any traditional labor rights. These cannot have been a union company as they would have had to pay double or triple salary to work on such a day. Don’t complain about it unless you are willing to support some recognition of the workers’ right to holidays and regular and fairly paid hours.
You do know that private companies are required to pay prevailing union wages, benefits and holidays?
You do know that the City of SB usually controls their start date by contract?
You do know that if they are working today it will be double time pay?
You do know that no private companies would pay people to start a job on a day that is double time unless contract terms or other circumstances required it?
No? Thought so.
Even more surprising is that the Postal Service was out TODAY on Memorial Day, delivering packages for Amazon.. Since we did not request delivery today, I can only assume that Amazon is not paying extra for the Double Time Pay that the postal employees are receiving for working during a national holiday!
Once again, the efficiencies of the government with our tax dollars is non-existent. 🙁
If it is a private company doing a sewer repair for a homeowner, go tell the homeowner that they should have hired a company that was going to charge them double time.
I am tired of these homeowners acting like it is the contractors fault when they clearly are more interested in the fastest job, on the fastest schedule, at cheapest price.
Next time you want something done, tell the contractor or your gardener you want to be charged a price that includes City of SB Public Works prevailing wage rates, benefit packages
Here is what you should be paying your laborer BY LAW in a city of SB public works project as of 8-21-2021
$62.03 per Hour
Sunday, Holiday $99.46 per hour
(Many people who are ignorant about prevailing wage law and its calculations make the mistake here of doubling the $ per hour number for overtime $62.03. The actual calculation is base rate X2 plus ?
The cruelty of being woken up at 8am…? That’s cruelty??? The humor of the characters in our bubble is sometimes quite good (and often times quite unintentional)!
People need to work…. Sounds like you already knew in advance.
Duke – Hear! Hear! The cruelty of it all, how is one expected to live like this?
This is one of those posts that really makes you laugh and appreciate the town we live in.
I love my neighbors, even the total Karens.