Source: National Weather Service
The National Weather Service (NWS) indicates that a storm system will begin moving into Santa Barbara County late Monday into early Tuesday.
At present, the forecast is not predicting rainfall rates experienced during the 1-9 debris flow, and most likely will range anywhere between 0.05 and 0.20 inches for areas that do receive rainfall from Santa Barbara to Carpinteria and the adjacent foothills. At this time, the rainfall intensities are expected to be fairly light over the South Coast.
There is no indication that evacuations of the public will be necessary. County Officials and NWS will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed. For storm readiness information or to register to receive alerts, please visit the Ready Santa Barbara County website at . Thank you.
Please provide the source that says up to two inches of rain.
I have not seen such a forecast and can find none. Estimates might be up to two TENTHS. There are no marks, such as single or double quotation marks, to denote tenths of an inch.
There is another storm coming in on Thursday. Estimates are up to 2″ of rain. Be prepared to evacuate if you are in the extreme danger slide zone.
Well, the warning of flash flooding for Jan 8-9 was not “crying wolf” and still most people paid no attention to it. Warnings are simply passing the best information available. No one could have predicted the debris flow but flash flooding is nothing to take lightly. One commenter here said of the warning, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” I imagine when the mud flowed through Montecito and people died the person finally “believed it.”
is the headline of this thread. That’s what I was referring to when I said I had not seen a 2 inch forecast. You, as evidenced by your 2/25 12:53 p.m. post, were referring to Thursday’s forecast. Sorry for the confusion, I was simply replying to the topic at hand.