By MiniBeast
We hear enough bad news throughout the week. I would like to tell Edhatters about my hero of the week.
He shall remain nameless, as I think he would prefer it that way. Let’s just call him “R.”
Here is the recounting of his heroic deed:
“R” is my hero not only because he helped my tenant recover his/her stolen bicycle, but because he went all out in his efforts to try find the owner. And I do mean ALL OUT: He filed a police report. He called all the local bike shops. He contacted (If you don’t know about, please look it up and register your bicycle(s) now. It’s free.)
“R” even called the bike manufacturer in hopes they might have information regarding one of their bikes having been being stolen.
Best of all, in my books, “R” placed a “FOUND BIKE” ad on Craigslist.
It was while perusing Craigslist’ “Lost and Found” that I first learned my tenant’s bike was missing. Thanks to “R” and all his efforts, I came to wonder if my tenant had “lost” his/her bike. My tenant was out of town, but hadn’t told me the bike was taken just prior to a family vacation. I recognized “R’s” description of the bike. “Is that my tenant’s bike?” I asked myself.
“R” had found the bicycle only a day or so after it was taken, when he noticed a shady-looking character stashing the bike down an alley.
I sent “R” a photo of the bicycle and then was able to go over to his home and retrieve the bike for my tenant. “R” didn’t just hand the bicycle over to me. He checked first with my tenant to make sure I was who I said I was.
The bike is now registered with and I will make sure my tenant gets a new, better lock, too.
Thank you “R” for being my hero. You really are one terrific human being.
AWESOME! Thieves suck.