Photos of Arroyo Paredon Bridge (Left) and Toro Canyon Creek Bridge (right)
Source: Caltrans
The San Ysidro Creek Bridge (PM 9,6), Romero Canyon Creek Bridge (PM 10.92) and the Toro Canyon Creek Bridge (PM 12.49) on State Route 192 are open to two-way traffic. These bridges were rebuilt following the debris flows and flooding in January 2018.
Motorists will encounter protective barrier on these bridges until the permanent railing has been installed. Construction at the San Ysidro Bridge includes installing bicycle railing, guardrail and crash cushions. Motorists should drive safely in these areas.
Construction is continuing at the following bridges:
Montecito Creek Bridge (PM 8.12): Construction continues seven days a week from 7 am until 6 pm, weather permitting to maintain the integrity of the construction site and surrounding area during the rainy season. This bridge is expected to re-open to traffic with some restrictions by July.
The Toro Creek Bridge (PM 12.14): New bridge rails have been installed on the upstream side with work construction now focusing on the downstream side. This bridge is open with one-way reversing traffic control until project completion. All lanes of this bridge are expected to re-open in June.
Caltrans is working with the contractor, Security Paving of Sylmar on this $20 million project to restore full access to all five bridges within this corridor and is striving to complete most of these projects by summer 2019, weather permitting.
Arroyo Paredon Bridge (PM 15.50): The new bridge and drainage structures are complete. The impacts of the winter storm season and ongoing utility work has resulted in a projected opening to traffic by late March. Project completion is expected this Spring. Remaining work includes reconstruction of the roadway, installation of bicycle rails, guardrail, crash cushions and erosion control.
Lash Construction of Santa Barbara is the contractor for the $10 million replacement of this bridge.
Barricades and locked gates will continue to secure the Montecito Creek and Arroyo
Paredon Creek locations with detours available via local roads. Emergency responders will maintain access to these locked areas for public safety.
A segment of State Route 192 is open to motorists but through traffic is strongly advised to continue using US 101. State Route 192 remains closed at multiple locations between Sycamore Canyon/Camino Viejo Road and Cravens Lane.