Source: SBWCN
Patient #365 of 2021: Spotted Sandpiper
Status: Still in Care
Patient #365 at Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network is a spotted sandpiper! These sandpipers are small shorebirds that are distinguishable by their unique tail-bobbing motion when they walk. During breeding season, their white breast plumage will develop bold, dark spots. Spotted sandpipers also have noteworthy parental roles: after the female lays her eggs, the male will take charge of incubating the eggs and caring for the chicks. This species is the most widespread breeding sandpiper in North America.
Patient #365 happened to be discovered lying on the beach by one of Network’s team members during a walk at More Mesa. Upon arriving at the Center, this patient was found to have injuries consistent with a dog attack. Luckily for this bird, the severity of the injuries extended to some bruising, soft tissue swelling, and missing feathers in the wing. The Center’s expert animal care team will continue treating the sandpiper with medication and supportive care as it heals from the bruising and is ready to be released.
In 2020 alone, the Center received over 100 patients that were victims of dog attacks. Those attacks involve a number of species, including mammals, songbirds, and shorebirds like this sandpiper. Remember: keeping your dog on a leash (especially at the beach) can help protect local wildlife.
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