Special Recruitment for Santa Barbara City Fire & Police Commission

By the City of Santa Barbara

The City is looking for passionate individuals to fill an unscheduled vacancy on our esteemed Fire and Police Commission. This is an incredible opportunity to serve on the Commission and make a real impact in our community. If you’re enthusiastic about ensuring efficient and adequate fire and police protection for our beloved city, this is your chance to shine.

This role will run through December 31, 2026, allowing you to be a key player in shaping the future of law enforcement oversight. The Commission plays a crucial role by advising the City Council and City Administrator on all matters related to public safety, and your insights could truly make a difference.

The Fire and Police Commission was reconstituted last year after the City Council adopted an ordinance assigning new duties and authorities to the Commission specific to oversight. Since then historic progress has been made as the Commission actively works in collaboration with the Santa Barbara Police Department to improve transparency and strengthen understanding with the broader community. Your voice and perspective will be valued as we discuss crucial policies in public forums, covering areas such as the complaint process, use of force, and crisis intervention team training.

At the Santa Barbara Fire and Police Commission, we believe in the power of diverse perspectives and experiences. We warmly welcome applications from all interested individuals, including those who have been impacted by the criminal justice system. Your unique insights and experiences are invaluable in our mission to create a safer and more inclusive community for everyone.

Ready to take action? Fantastic! The application process is super simple. Just head over to this link: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/santabarbara/promotionaljobs and submit your application by Thursday, August 17 at 5:00 p.m.

An interview is also required and interviews are scheduled to take place on Tuesday, August 29 during the City Council meeting.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Barbara Andersen by email at BAndersen@SantaBarbaraCA.gov or by phone at (805) 564-5302. 

What do you think?


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    • LOL, you have no answer. I’ll try and put this in terms most people should be able to understand.
      Defund the police generally means putting more money in to solving the root causes of many crimes, such as addiction and mental health and less money into continually militarizing the police.
      I know, I know, you truly believe that massive numbers of libtards would like to eradicate all money for policing, which is of course entirely false. I know, I know, you just can’t help your extreme political perspective.

  1. “Defund”, a simple two-syllable word, means “take money away” from whatever is being defunded.
    Taking from one pocket does not mean it goes into another. The major need in Santa Barbara, as in many US cities, is an improvement in the public schools, but taking money away from the police does not mean it would go into the already top-heavy educational establishment that is the SBUSD. It certainly does not mean that money would go into various other social needs, as mental health treatment. It would mean that the SBPD would operate with even less funding, including for needed social programs, as restorative justice, for instance.
    But as for the topic of this recruitment, it is not at all clear what this commission actually does; citizen “oversight” is great, but it’s likely that this city council, which does the appointing of all the commissions, has its demographic preferences.

    • 277–
      Sure, and here’s the thing. You need to sit down with a fully itemized budget to understand where and how the money is being spent by the police. Then you need to look at those expenses against the mission of the organization–is it helping or hurting the well being of the police and the need for public safety.
      If there are line items that are bloated or superfluous then you have an opportunity to redirect that money to programs which better support the mission.

  2. “Defund the police” means taking money from law enforcements’ budgets and funneling it into the social programs you are talking about (addiction treatment, mental health treatment, etc. as you stated – anything else in there?). Here’s a tip: there’s only so much money to go around, and SB has a real problem hiring police officers, dude.
    No, I don’t believe anyone would “eradicate all money for policing”. That sounds stupid by the way. “Libtards”? Whatever.
    I don’t believe at all that our local cops are being “continually militarized”. I think you’re wrong there too. Hey Edhat readers, how many out there think our local cops are being “continually militarized”?
    I can tell you think our police department is overpaid, “militarizing”, and – what – harassing the citizens of Santa Barbara?? Is that it? I think that’s all completely false.
    Go on a ride-along, meet and talk to a local officer. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. See what they deal with. It’s not internet stuff buddy.
    You want more resources for addiction treatment, mental health treatment, etc right ? I think that is needed too. But WHY would you want that to come out of our police department budget when they’re already stretched thin and social programs come from a totally different funding source?

    • You love to manufacture things out of thin air, primarily because of your attention seeking. I’ve never said anything about how the police are paid. Never. If you were honest you would retract that claim, but, you know…
      I’ve also never said anything about SB cops “harassing the citizens of Santa Barbara”.
      That’s your second lie.
      US police departments across the board in the United States have been spending more money on weapons which are almost never needed. But everyone loves a bad assed black rifle, even though those kinds of weapons are a waste of money.
      The pensions available to police and firefighters for that matter are totally out of wack and often abused–start there as well.
      Take that money and put it in to better training for new cops. The amount of training supplied to cops in this country is absolutely ridiculous and makes interactions more dangerous for them and for the public.
      The criminal justice system is totally broken and has been for a long time. There is almost zero data collection on what actually works to decrease recidivism which makes our streets more dangerous for US, and wastes our tax money.
      Simple minded people just get triggered when they hear the word “defund”, they can’t even have a rational conversation about where our society is falling short.

    • “You and Sac seem to have a LOT of time on your hands – ” – Pot meet Dr. Kettle LOL
      “why not take my advice and go do a ride along with an SB police officer today” – Why? We’ve both told you time and again that your assumptions about our thoughts on the local police are ABSOLUTELY FABRICATED.
      Heck, I’m still waiting for you to explain where in the article about the liquor theft at Vons the perp “got off easy.” You constantly make up wild accusations about things that were NEVER said, nor written.
      Take a stance in reality for once. It’s a lot harder than just making stuff up that fits your agenda and telling people they said things they never did.
      Dr. Liar, I presume.

    • BasicInfo805: It appears that pointing out the truth certainly hit a nerve with some posters on this topic. Myself, well….lots of LE in my immediate and extended family, so I hear firsthand what happens when you take money away from LE. Taking money away certainly does not make anyone safer. Simply look at the places where they actually did reduce LE dollars. Those places (SF, Oakland, Portland, Chicago, Baltimore, New York City…..the list goes on and on) are becoming nearly unlivable for the average person/family/business.
      BTW, Police carry fully automatic weapons in many countries for those of us who have actually traveled to foreign countries and not stayed in tourist compounds away from the people of the “host” country. Get real and maybe next time get outside the gates of the all-inclusive resorts and have a gab with the real locals. “Oh, I went to and can highly recommend Sandals Resorts.” Not militarized….of course not (open eyes folks and do some real travelling).
      Side Note: Please stop the name calling. Not good. Because one disagrees with someone does not equate to lying. Be the “bigger” person and let other peeps say what they want without the name calling, bullying, and all-around negativity.

    • BABY – “liar” isn’t “name calling” because of differing opinions, it’s stating a fact about something someone did.
      “”Oh, I went to and can highly recommend Sandals Resorts.” ” – Said no one ever. Also, those countries you’re thinking of are considered developing/third world. Hardly what I would think you’d want the USA to aspire to. Wow, way to set the bar low.
      “those of us who have actually traveled to foreign countries” – Yeah, classy. You don’t want me to call people liars, yet you actually accuse me (and others) of lying about personal experiences, of which you have no basis. Actually been held at gun point by a cop with a “fully automatic weapon” in one of those countries (based on a misunderstanding with a bartender). Guess how I got out of it? Bribed the cop $100. Again, way to set the bar high for America, BABY.
      Keep it low bar, hypocritical and dishonest. Classy, Baby. Super classy.

    • BASIC – “Hey Edhat readers, how many out there think our local cops are being “continually militarized”?” – I do. Have you ever travelled outside the country? In no other country (I’ve been to many), do the regular police (not SWAT equivalents) have the hardware that ours have. In those same countries, I also don’t see people left in the streets suffering from mental illness.
      But do tell us, why don’t you think we should channel more money to emergency pysch services, etc to help deal with mental health situations that the police aren’t equipped to handle? As a medical doctor, don’t you think the appropriate health professionals should be funded and utilized?
      One of the problems in this country is the emphasis on military/defense, etc at the expense of mental/social services, infrastructure, etc.

    • “Sacjon actually believes that.” – Yup, sure do. Nothing weird about that, nor can you counter it.
      “People “left in the streets suffering from mental illness” to quite you Sac, isn’t the responsibility of our police department. ” – Yup, which is why I used the word, “also,” meaning, “in addition to this issue, I see that issue.” Separate and different, no causation implied. Stop making things up.
      “But don’t try and grab it from an underfunded police force.” – 1) they’re not “underfunded,” look at their salaries, pensions, equipment, etc. 2) You still have no understanding of the point. The money being spent on tanks, automatic rifles for all, etc should be partially allocated to social services professionals to help in the investigation/interrogation/detention/crisis handling, etc when needed.
      “Look, the police would LOVE it if they didn’t have to deal with all the issues we are currently talking about. Are you kidding? Do you think they like having to deal with all this crap?” – Of course not. That is EXCATLY why they should provide more funding to those PROFESSIONALS who are better equipped to handle “this crap.” An armed to the teeth high school grad with a military background has no business attempting to deal with a mental health crisis.
      “Is it because you don’t like cops? It seems that way.” – Typical Dr. Basic. Making up things. Is that how you diagnose your “patients?” Just make stuff up based on a couple words they say and then you twist to make your job easier? “Doc, I’ve been puking blood for days.” “Dr. BASIC: It’s just congestion from hay fever. Sounds like that’s it. Yep, that’s what you have.”
      Not every single crime a cop responds to is a simple “bad guy” doing a “bad thing.” We need to SMARTEN up our crime response (as well as our general population as you all so often demonstrate). The police should have ALL tools available, not just guns. Those other tools are substance abuse pros, mental health pros, etc. Not just low intel, highly armed cops.
      You refuse to even try to understand that.

    • There’s one vote for the Santa Barbara Police Department being “continually militarized”! Sacjon actually believes that. Do I hear any more…I’ll wait.
      Yes I’ve travelled outside the country. Thank you. California is doing a very poor job of handling these issues. I think we’re in agreement there. But hey, it’s completely run by YOUR party. We need change. Go to some other states that aren’t 100% liberal democratic political monopolies running the show, and see with your own eyes. SF is the poster child for liberal failure, not just in CA, not just in the US, but possibly in the whole world. Disgraceful. Keep voting for Newsom types? Yeah, no. You can of course, but that’s on you.
      People “left in the streets suffering from mental illness” to quite you Sac, isn’t the responsibility of our police department. That’s Social Services stuff homey. Way different department. And to answer your ‘doctor question’, yes I do say more inpatient (you don’t get to come and go as you please) psych facilities ARE needed. Do you? Are you sure, because I’m not talking Rescue Mission stuff where players can float around, fool around, get in trouble, and at the same time get taxpayer- funded housing and shelter and have zero accountability.
      We do need more money going towards social services to handle mental illness, drug addiction, and homelessness. Agree. But don’t try and grab it from an underfunded police force. Why would you think that’s the source? Is it because you don’t like cops? It seems that way. Like I told Alex, go out and see what our local police officers are doing daily. Meet some. Talk with them. See what they do everyday. Go on a rode along or two if you really don’t understand what their jobs are all about. Maybe you’ll then get a realization that they aren’t all in SWAT mode looking to shoot people all day. Total fantasy. Look, the police would LOVE it if they didn’t have to deal with all the issues we are currently talking about. Are you kidding? Do you think they like having to deal with all this crap?
      You need to find a way to understand that.

    • BASIC – Bravo, total fail once again. Make things up, refuse to answer questions and declare yourself the “winner” or whatever you think you are.
      Sad thing is, you’re still not capable of understanding the point. It’s all or nothing for you, just like the other cons here. Incapable of comprehending nuances and other complex ideas. I bet there’s a Slim Jim, Capri Sun and cartoons waiting for you, kiddo! Go on and have fun on summer break!

    • Not narcissistic, I stated my opinion very clearly, and you got angry! Jeez bud, let it go. You and Sac seem to have a LOT of time on your hands – why not take my advice and go do a ride along with an SB police officer today. See if you don’t pucker up when they have to deal with a psycho that wants to hit, spit, stab, or shoot at them at any moment…unpredictability. They don’t do keystrokes on a laptop all day Holmes.

    • Basic, you need to find a way to stop manufacturing and lying.
      “Maybe you’ll then get a realization that they aren’t all in SWAT mode looking to shoot people all day. ”
      I never said that. Lie.
      Sorry man, but you’re either not willing or capable of having an honest conversation about the problems with the way this country polices.
      Also, I have been holding off on this, but at this point I have enough information from you to give you a reasonably accurate diagnosis. There is a high probability that you suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The good news is that there are some psychoanalytic therapies which may provide you with some relief. And yes, I do have training in this area.

    • I appreciate the support and sentiment, but there’s no reason at all to apologize to me for a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. LE needs the support of everyone and that includes supporting them when it doesn’t agree with the popular “liberal” stance on such matters. Possibly we can agree that having less police is not what we need these days given that the political class wants to let criminals “run the show.” Even the NAACP in Oakland is calling foul on your approach, so give it a rest (if you so chose).

    • Basic–
      More keystrokes from you “Holmes”. Not sure why you’re affecting a gangbanger vernacular, but it is likely another manifestation of your intense attention seeking.
      You may want to review these symptoms and consider reaching out to a therapist:
      Sense of self-importance
      Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success
      Can only be around people who are important or special
      Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain
      Lack empathy
      Must be admired
      Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them

    • BABY – “having less police is not what we need these days ” – yeah, great thing no one here ever said that. Like BASIC, you seem to enjoy fabricating statements to “debate.” That’s a pretty lazy and dishonest thing to do. Instead of making up something to easily argue against, why not try addressing the point everyone is actually making. Why don’t you think some (not all – critical distinction that I should have to keep making) of the money we spend on automatic weapons, bearcats, etc for police, should be instead spent on mental health professionals so they can assist the police when they come upon crime scenes requiring such professionals’ assistance and guidance? Why continue to arm high school grads to the teeth and force them to deal with medical/health crises that they have ZERO training in?
      Why not pay pros to do pro work?

    • Let’s just support our law-enforcement agencies as best we can without tearing down these badly needed institutions that can and do protect us and keep us safe for the most part. Not sure that it’s not name calling when a serial commenter refers to another commenter as “Dr. Liar.” But, in this backwards and upside-down city, I suppose it may not be considered name calling “if it’s true.” Seems that some here think “Defund the Police” is a good thing, but if someone says, “Defund the UCSB Physics Department”, that would be….different? Or would it interpreted by simple-minded folks who just don’t understand the term “defund” as taking money away? Hmmmmmm…..interesting…… Let’s please knock off the name calling…..

    • Babycakes, the problem is that any time someone says hey, maybe we can do better with our policing in this country and reduce the killings and abuse of people who are mentally ill or POC, some people freak the F out and interpret those ideas as attacks on cops.
      It’s precisely the Us vs. Them mentality which, frankly, you exhibit time and time again in the context of law enforcement, which is poisonous to good policing.
      The more that police have support from mental health and drug addiction and work force training specialists, the less they have to deal with people on the street.
      Isn’t that a good thing?
      That’s not “tearing down institutions”.

  3. Somehow the RWers haven’t realized the horse is dead, they’re still beating it. liBeRalZ dEfUNd tHe pOliCE blah blah blah. You clowns backed a literal game show host who seems determined to become some dude’s girlfriend for top Ramen in federal prison. Not to mention the talk radio hosts that ran for governor and our congressional district. Sure, our current politicians could do much better. But what’s your better idea? I just see a bunch of whining corrupt clowns.

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