Source: City of Santa Barbara
Today the City of Santa Barbara released a Draft Small Wireless Facilities Ordinance for public review and comment. Written comments will be accepted until January 15, 2021.
The Ordinance would regulate the placement of small wireless facilities (like cellular installations) in the public rights-of-way. The purpose of the Ordinance is to establish reasonable and comprehensive standards and procedures, including but not limited to aesthetics, construction, operation, modification, and removal, for small cell permitting within the City. The proposed ordinance aims to promote the community’s interest in protecting the City of Santa Barbara’s visual character, consistent with recent FCC regulations preempting local zoning discretion. The draft regulations also outline the requirements for small wireless facilities application and installation procedures, establish the City’s location preferences and design standards, lay out the public notification procedures, and appeal process.
A copy of the proposed ordinance is available online at
Going to need 100s of new cell towers for 5G. Won’t have to microwave your food anymore, just hold it next to the nearest tower. “4G towers were designed to support approximately 6,500 devices per square mile, whereas 5G can support upwards of 1 million devices in the same area……”More Towers — The range of 5G towers is about 1,000 feet, less than 2 percent of the range of 4G network towers. This means that hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions, of new towers will be needed. The “towers,” which are small boxes with wireless antennas, will be densely deployed throughout cities. Many will be placed on public infrastructure such as streetlamps, traffic lights and utility poles and even under manhole covers. This will create permitting challenges.”
Whenever there is a science based issue on edhat the tin foil hat wearers gleefully join in.
Pit, fully agree….and the 5G thing is scary. I don’t care if you’re into conspiracies or not, the facts are present and the evidence is solid. There is a very good reason that it has been banned in most nations across the planet and even banned in SB County, so i’m not sure why this post is up. There will be no 5G in our region.