Shark Spotted at Goleta Beach

Update by an edhat reader

A lot of other people spotted the shark from the Pier and alerted lifeguards, who then put up warnings through Sunday.

By an edhat reader

An 8-10 foot great white shark was spotted at Goleta Beach on Saturday.


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  1. According to the Shark Research Committee there have been 34 species of sharks recorded off of the Pacific Coast of North America with 26 different species known or strongly suspected of attacking humans. Almost all were between central and Baja CA with the most attacks, 154 out of 180 since 1900 off the CA coast and 13 fatalities here in the last 60 years here all suspected or known to be from Great Whites.

  2. OMG! It’s a fish. Or is it seaweed? No! It’s a shark. A great white, not one of the dozens of other sharks that live around here. If it is identified as a great white, why are there not beach warning signs? Or announcements on any of the local media? Waiting for updates,

  3. actually there are about 26 species off California and about 12-15 in our local waters. Shark doesn’t mean they are all makos, threshers, whites. We have Blues, shovel nose, hammerheads, swell sharks, leopard sharks, horn, 7 gill, angel, sand, nurse, soupfin or school shark, whale and basking, spiney dogfish, grey smoothhound, brown smoothound, pacific small tail…etc…so yeah..there’s a lot more than you think. I fish and sail and have been in our waters for over 4 decades….there’s a lot of them out there. Here’s a fact…more people die by dog attacks than shark attacks…think about it….

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