Search Warrants Issued After Disturbing Internet Video

Update by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office
February 1, 2018

Detectives from the Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Division are continuing their investigation into several high school student(s) who posted threatening and derogatory comments directed at female students on a private internet chat room. The comments are vulgar and may rise to the level of criminal threats. A disturbing video was posted as well.

Sheriff’s detectives obtained and executed three search warrants related to this investigation. Pursuant to those warrants, detectives seized items of evidence for examination by the Sheriff’s High Tech Crimes Unit. The facts relevant to this case, along with all appropriate evidence, will be submitted to the District Attorney’s Office for further review to determine if criminal prosecution is warranted. Sheriff’s detectives have determined that none of the involved students is in possession of nor do they have access to functioning firearms or dangerous devices.

The Sheriff’s Office is currently interviewing everyone involved in this matter. Currently, Sheriff’s detectives do not believe there is any immediate threat to anyone at school or in the community. We are working closely with the school administration to bring this matter to appropriate resolution. The safety and welfare of the students is our highest priority.

Source: Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office
January 25, 2018

The Sheriff’s Office is investigating concerning posts and a video discovered on a private internet chatroom. The posts were brought to the attention of San Marcos High School staff on January 19, 2018 following a minimum day of school. School administrators immediately reported the case to the Sheriff’s Office who then began an investigation.

The investigation revealed a group of male students listed a group of high school female students and posted derogatory and vulgar descriptions about the women. There was also a threatening video created by a male student with what appeared to be an antique musket. While the video is disturbing in nature, it did not specifically target any particular student or the high school. It was determined there was not an immediate threat to the students or the school. The school notified the families of the female students included in the posts.

The Sheriff’s Office worked closely with school administrators to identify the group of students responsible for creating the posts and the student who made the video. The first day school was in session since the discovery of the posts, on January 22, 2018, the students responsible were contacted upon arrival to school and action was taken by the Santa Barbara Unified School District.

The case is under investigation by the Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Division.

San Marcos parents react to violent social media video

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. What kind of sick POCrap do you have to be to “down vote” comments that are upset by those (Ducky) who are saying nothing is wrong here and a musket can’t really “take out” that many kids? I hope all you downvoters are childless, and remain so!

  2. Roger – that’s not the point. It’s about people who think this is no big deal. Those who think this is nothing to worry about are most likely not parents. Ducky, in particular, is almost defending this action as free speech and not that big a deal. Therefore, he/she/it is likely not a parent and should not be commenting to parents saying they shouldn’t be upset. Comment away, Roger, but please don’t try to tell parents of high school age kids that a very specific threat like this, targeted towards specific, named, individuals is nothing to be concerned about.

  3. SBUSD is on a very slippery slope, as far as I’m concerned and heading toward out of control. What me or my child does on their private electronics and off school hours is NONE of their business. Period. I’m not even involved in this particular snafu of theirs and I’m considering contacting the ACLU.

  4. Thank you Nicholas for having a brain in this discussion! I can’t believe some don’t think this is serious. I guess because their daughters aren’t in the video it’s really not important. I’m so sad that these boys felt the need to make this video. They need help as something is clearly wrong with their heads.

  5. DUCKY – how many kids need to be shot/stabbed by an antique musket to make this a concern? It’s not about how many can be “taken out” by a musket on a video, it’s that specific people were the target of this specific threat and the school needs to protect those being threatened. How freaking difficult is this for you to understand???

  6. Any charges filed, yet? Nope, didn’t think so.
    You resort to nasty name calling and questioning someone’s ability to parent, to downvoting and exclusion when you have no real argument. Show us the video and where in the video these “violent threats” were made.
    Thus far, you’ve all proven yourselves to be nothing but irrational, tyrannical babies.

  7. Ducky – have you confirmed with the SBSO and the DA that no charges have been filed? Remember, these are juveniles, so the publicity of their legal actions are not as readily available as adults. Glad you’re feeling boastful and proud of yourself, but give us a confirmation before beating your chest and feigning insult.

  8. Ducky – Sorry for calling you a “dipwad,” but seriously… how can you get so ruffled about parents being concerned for their children’s safety? Specific girls where mentioned in this video, how would you feel as a parent of one of these girls? Honestly. People’s “argument” against you is simply to accept and stop belittling the feelings of concern that these parents have. Is that too much to ask? It’s hard to understand what your deal is here…..

  9. Hate to break it to you, but it’s not up to the “people” to judge for themselves whether these parents should be concerned about their children’s safety. The SBSO is investigating and working with the DA to determine what charges, if any, are warranted given the facts. Then, if this goes to a jury trial, the “people” can determine the facts, not the law, that’s still up to the judge. You know, the guy/gal who went to law school, passed the Bar and has worked for years in trial law……

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