Scholarships Awarded to Graduating Seniors of Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools Student Advisory Council

Scholarship recipients SB County Superintendent of schools student Advisory Council (Courtesy)

Council convenes for final meeting of the 2023-24 school year, exchanging thoughts on topics affecting student life

Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools Susan Salcido awarded $5,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors who served this year as members of the Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools Student Advisory Council, made up of high schoolers from across the county who convene to discuss and advise on topics affecting students, schools, and communities.
Throughout the 2023-24 school year, Superintendent Salcido convened the Council quarterly to gauge their insights on topics such as school safety, campus culture, mental health, attendance, chronic absenteeism, screentime, social media, academics, career pathways, volunteerism, and general attitudes and perceptions students have about school, teaching, and learning.
Members of SB County Superintendent of schools student Advisory Council (Courtesy)
The council recently met for its final meeting of the year. During the session, Superintendent Salcido surprised students with the announcement that eight graduating seniors will share a $5,000 scholarship, stemming from her distinguished recognition as the recipient of the 2023 Marcus Foster Memorial Award for Administrator Excellence.
The Award is granted each year to one administrator in the state who most personifies the ideals of Marcus Foster, the trailblazing educator who ushered in an era of innovation for Oakland students in the 1970s. Winners of the award receive a $5,000 scholarship, to be awarded to a high school senior or seniors of his/her choice in their region.
Scholarship recipients are:
  • Adi Quintero Ramirez: Lompoc High School
  • Alin Ramirez Aldaz: Lompoc High School
  • Ava Shabestari: Dos Pueblos High School
  • Catherine Tully: Santa Barbara High School
  • Estey S Berumen: San Marcos High School
  • Hannah Huang: Dos Pueblos High School
  • Jesse Jimenez: Righetti High School
  • Teya Nastaskin: Righetti High School
Student Advisory Council member Jesse Jimenez of Righetti High School shared that he is heading to Stanford University this fall. “This scholarship is coming just in time. My family and I really appreciate this.”
Jesse has served on the Council for two years. He said the experience has opened his eyes to new points of view. “It’s been amazing to hear what other students from other high schools have going on at their campuses….what challenges they are facing and trying to solve, like ways to get more students involved and participating at school so they feel part of things.”
Sway Moore, who is a tenth grader attending Santa Barbara Middle College, plans to apply to serve on the council again next year. “It’s been so cool and makes me feel really hopeful to see other students who really do care and who are willing and committed to standing up and giving their voices on all of the issues affecting our lives as students,” Sway said. “I’ve loved meeting so many passionate, caring people. It makes me feel hopeful. The SAC (Student Advisory Council) was one of the things that brought me the most hope and sense of community during the school year. I think it’s really important for those who are struggling to have a student to represent them and stand up for what so many of us need from school.”
As the school year comes to a close, Superintendent Salcido acknowledged the dedication and commitment of each Council member. “I am so grateful for their willingness to share their honest feedback and perspectives on how we, as educators and leaders, can better serve our students,” Superintendent Salcido said. “Their presence and insights have been invaluable to me, and I look forward to ushering in our next Student Advisory Council in the Fall. It is no exaggeration to say that I’ve learned more from them than they have from me. It’s been an honor to get to know them all.”

Written by SBCEO

Press releases written by the Santa Barbara County Office of Education. Learn more at

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