By Roger the Scanner Guy
I’m really confused about something lately and I want answers Damnit! Just kidding. Back in 1980 when I got here, I used to work odd jobs (and some of them really were odd) out of the Employment office downtown in the 100 Block of East Ortega. People would come by and pick us up to work. I cannot remember exactly when in1980 but I was hired along with a crew of guys to clean up after a train derailment off Fairview behind the golf course in Goleta. There were 7 boxcars, they had fruit cocktail and some kind of fertilizer in them. I worked for 2 and a half days before becoming ill from the fertilizer product and having to quit. I got paid by check, I was the only person that got paid as far as I know because it was discovered after cashing my check the account wasn’t valid. Thing is I was told this train derailed because of an earthquake and always assumed that the earthquake occurred in 1980 but after reading about the 1978 earthquake and looking at pictures of a train derailment in the same exact place I’m thinking that those boxcars were left there for 2 years until the salvage company hired us at the Employment office to clean up the rest of the derailment. Does anyone remember if that is what happened? Was just part of that derailment cleared in 1978 and the rest in 1980? Or was there another train derailment in 1980 in the exact same place, or am I nuts?
I remember we had to get out to Goleta ourselves to do the job, we were paid minimum wage which was like $3.35 an hour and all the fruit cocktail we could eat. I wish they would have given us all the TP we could use too along with a porta-potty. After eating a case of fruit cocktail (back then they did not date the food in cans) could have been 20 years old, we went to Taco Bell. We all slept in the back of that Golf Course, several groups had warming fires, we did not we all piled into an old ambulance, one guy owned an old 60’s GMC Ambulance complete with a coffin in the back. The owner of the Ambulance’s nickname was Bambi, I never knew why except he was very thin and kinda resembled Bambi but he was always ill, he passed away a few years later from diabetics, he was a good guy. I always got him hired on jobs after that, half the time we stashed him somewhere to sleep as he was always ill, we did the work. Employers never caught on and paid him too. Anyway I’m wondering about that old train derailment maybe some of you Lifers remember it, I thought I would ask.
Anyone hear about the jerk in the black BMW who hit a parking lot attendant in LA with his car then got out, moved the injured man, and drove off? Sure is alot of Road Rage out there lately. I think I will start calling in people at the Milpas Roundabout as many do not yield to my being in the crosswalk. Some people must guess all the answers of the written part of the driver’s test. As far as looking at the drivers I did that the other day looked at this ugly guy in a pickup truck wearing a camo hat. There was the bottle throwing incident the other day on Laguna then right after that an incident at Trader Joes where something silver was pointed at one driver who thought the item might have been a gun but they did not know for sure. A lot of assholes out there. Here are your Scanner Reports.
Scanner Reports, Wednesday:
- Subject with a knife 417 Brandishing, 602 Trespassing 500 Block of Refugio Road, subject was found atGaviotaa Rest Stop after leaving the scene in a grey Chevy Blazer with an animal rights bumper sticker on the back bumper.
- Attempt vehicle theft suspect was boxed in and caught in the 100 Block of West Valerio.
- Vehicle vs Pedestrian traffic accident.
- Threats investigation 600 Block of North Milpas.
- Med call back of the County Jail.
- One in custody Micheltorina at Garden street possible H&S Drug involved.
- Suicidal juvenile County call.
- Assist Cares on a 5150 Hold in the 2000 Block of DLV.
- Overdose on Tecolate possible accidental.
- Non injury vehicle vs pedestrian accident parties now 415 arguing with each other.
- 415 Homeless subject disturbing at 21 North Milpas street.
- Suspicious male in the lower parking lot of Washington School since 5am.
- 242 Assault at Look out park suspect fled down the RR Tracks South victim does not want medical assistance.
- Overdose code blue CPR Vera Cruz Park 130 East Cota.
- 1144 Death North Side of town Unknown cause but not suspicious or did not seem to be.
- 2 Drunks disturbing at Silly Hall 735 Anacapa.
- Theft of Budweiser from Food Land in the 1500 Block of San Andres.
- 415 Homeless subject disturbing in front of Andersons Bakery 1100 Block of State street.
- 459 Burglary to a residence in the 800 Block of East Anapamu.
- Overdose 5500 Block of Oak Park Lane sounded like a county SB Call.
- 415 Neighbors need a Bong 300 Block of West Alamar.-
- 2 Females fist fighting at McDonalds 29 North Milpas.
- Suspicious circumstances 400 Block of Foxen Drive mail theft.
- Theft of Budweiser from CVS 300 Block of North Milpas.
Scanner Reports, Thursday:
- Check the welfare of a subject who lives in the 4800 Block of South Bradley in Santa Maria who thinks someone is out to get him or something like that
- 459 Audible alarm on a residence in the 1800 Block of Santa Barbara street.
- Pedestrian stop Michael Torena at San Andres.
- Audible alarm CVS Pharmacy 189 South Turnpike.
- 415 Female refusing to leave PATH 816 Cacique.
- Missing 5 year old who ran away from Daddy in the 300 Block of East Sola for about a half hour but he was found.
- Theft of tools in the County 1021 Tellyphone report.-
- Wires down turned out to be cable 800 Block of West Sola.
- A SBPD Detective unit was running a subject who had a few warrants and was going to jail I have no location as far as where they were at.
- Stolen vehicle spotted 4400 Block of Via Real pulled over just short of Olive Mill road on the 101.
- 900 Block of Barcolina a Leaf Blower.
- Suspicious male who claimed to be a Santa Barbara City Employee entered a home in the 800 Block of Castillo looked around and then left.
- Pubic lizard draining or dropping the kids off at the pool activity at the post office 107 Nopolitos, I’m surprised the police even go over there.
- 415 Homeless subject disturbing in the 1800 Block of East Cabrillo.
- Non injury accident 100 Block of Harbor Way.
- 900 Block of Chapala Traffic Stop Mary 3 on a white utility vehicle.
- Reporting party witnessed a non injury hit and run in the 800 Block of Anacapa.
- 415 Family in the 400 Block of Anacapa.
- 261 Rape Report possible juvenile County Santa Barbara no location available since there is a possibility it is a juvenile.
- 415 Domestic at the Amtrak station on Linden in Carpinteria.
- OverDose 100 Block of Hobbs Lane.
Will that is all outta me for now, would really like to know about that derailed train if anyone knows maybe someday I’ll get over it if you don’t sure doesn’t seem like 38 Years ago that I did that work. Man someone just gave me a plate of tacos and they smell so good but I get suspicious when someone makes me a plate of food like maybe they put weird shit in it. I think she gave another neighbor some I’ll just wait and see if he is OK later then I’ll eat mine, Belinda did this to me….Anyway Have a great weekend…Peter, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Tom Cat, Clancy, Thomicina, Tiger, Midnight, Merlin, Lola, Fish Head One, Poncho, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Jonathan, C.J., Brad, Billy, Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Patrick, Christy, Diana, Jim, Rambo, Sherry, Bommy, Poppy, June, Muskie, Eddie, Bengy, Ricky, Pat, Mavis David Cox, Poe, Marty, Cop John, Magruder, Don, Edwin, Cory, Isabelle, Jerry, Debbie, Ken, LUCY! John Hancock, Mickey Mantle, Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, Tom Petty, and Chris willing we will see you MONday-MONday…Later, Roger
A Southern Pacific train derailed due to the ‘78 earthquake adjacent to the Winchester Canyon Road offramp, about a mile from where I used to live.
A few years later another SP train derailed because some fool put debris on the rails between Winchester and Glen Annie. The siding near Fairview was then the closest place to shunt cars off the main line so that’s what they would have ended up there.
Roger, How good of you and crew to take care of the ill man, do his work and get him paid. Too bad there aren’t more good, kindhearted people like you. The world could be a better place with kindness.