Scanner Reports 7-30-18

By Roger the Scanner Guy

I was researching warming and campfires in California as it seems to me that lighting such a fire ought to be against the law within city limits. I could not really tell if it is or not, however, there are laws concerning a fire getting out of control and burning properties under the Health and Safety codes. As far as having a cooking/warming fire there are tips that should be followed. Pick a safe location. Have at least 10 feet around the fire clear of any flammables. Always have a shovel and a bucket of water nearby, and be educated as to how to put a fire out when you are done using it. The State of California does require a permit for Camp Fires and each city has their own restrictions concerning fires.

Of course here in Santa Barbara campers don’t seem to give a shit, many times fires are left unattended and sometimes they get out of control. The fire department gets called out to put those fires out. This is what happened at the Southbound Fairview Area the other day sometimes, these fires get way out of control and burn other structures. Every time something like this happens a few people want to get together and run the homeless out of town, it’s kinda like watching an old Bonanza rerun. “Better get outta town by SUNdown or else!” Punishing everyone for the sins of a few might work for a bit but not forever, and good luck running all of the homeless out of town. Even if the law was on your side which it isn’t there are alot more homeless folks in this area than anyone will cop to.

Every couple of years when the census is done and it comes up 1,400-1,500 or so I laugh because there are many more homeless people than that. Since no one is willing to work together for the betterment of the Communities within the Community, there will always be this insanity. All the years I have been here no matter who is on the City council or who the Mayor is band-aides are used to fix everything and they are not replaced until the next city administration takes over usually long after the band aide has fallen apart and who knows what the hell has been holding the issue together all these years? Wash, Rinse, Repeat, over and over again…It’s time to get some better Band Aides Santa Barbara City, and County because the S.O.S. aien’t getting it.

Scanner Reports, Friday:

  • ONstar notifying local 911 of a 10851 Stolen vehicle in the 3600 Block of State street with ignition block Opps someone took the wrong car a 2018 Black Chevy Malibu, Car will no longer move.
  • On going 415 Ex Disgruntled employee threatening assaulting the boss etc in the 100 Block of East Anapamu a restaurant.
  • Premises check Las Positas offramp at 101 Southbound.
  • Pismo Beach, A Cal Fire Truck was stolen by a  man in a Wet Suit who always wanted to be a fire fighter but could not drive the engine so he took the pick up truck instead. No matter he could still go code 3 with the lights and siren and so he did until he got caught.
  • Someone 594ed Vandalised  a sign at East Valley and Pacacho.
  • At the same time Diver Dan was leading  the SBSO, CHP and Vandenberg security around North County on a Chase with the Fire Truck he ripped off there was anutter guy in Buellton giving the Sheriff the slip with guns in his car he was found at the Mobil station but I had no idea what the story was on him till I saw it in Edhat he was the guy who threatened someone while holding a gun to their head in Solvang he has a 50,000.00 Dollar Bail, Thanks NRA!
  • 245pc Suspect being detained in the city police station 245pc is Assault with a deadly weapon.
  • Panhandler in his 50’s WMA 200 Block of McMurry road.- Subject having suicidal thoughts 1900 Block of State street.
  • Overdose 4600 Block of De Santa Maria in Santa Maria.
  • Audible burglary alarm McKinley School.
  • Premise check for Speeders in the 2000 Block of APS.
  • Vegetation fire 101 Southbound South of Fairview started near a homeless camp.
  • Harbor Patrol to check the Welfare of someone on a boat in the Harbor who made suicidal statements a week before.
  • Stolen vehicle recovery at Smittys tow yard in the 5700 Block of Thornwood.
  • Public accident Skaters Point injury.- Couple walking on the Rail Road tracks with their dog near Gaviota were almost hit by an Amtrak train but the engineer said the dog was hit. I heard no more about it but would like to.
  • Suspicious subject walking near the Rivera Bank at 1033 Anacapa wearing a mask, he walked around the bank employees were told to lock up the bank though it may have already been closed for the day when police arrived they were unable to locate the subject.
  • Minor injury accident Chapala at Natoma.- 415 Between a Customer and Employee over vehicle repairs in the  300 Block of West Carrillo
  • 415 Domestic in City Lot 10 male beating on the hood of a grey Toyota Corolla with a female inside feels better when you use your head.
  • Premises check 100 Block of East Islay.
  • Subject harrassing employees at Harbor Chevron 401 West Montecito.
  • Loud Potty 3500 Block of Sea Ledge sometimes I have those too but the neighbors know better than to call the police on me
  • Campers doing drugs to my rear of Smart and Final 200 Block of East Guiterrez.
  • Premises check the Labor Line possible illegal dumping.


Scanner Reports, Saturday

  • Found property at the police station.
  • Medical call 1100 Block of North Nopal.
  • Camper in the parking lot of Presto Pasta in a beige van.
  • Camper at the front door 7 Ashley Avenue.
  • 242 Victim of Assault in Cottage ER
  • Suspicious Black SUV engine running no one around 1100 Block of Anacapa. city parking garage.
  • Camper in a vehicle 100 Block of West Alamar.
  • 400 Block of West Carrillo SB City involved vehicle accident possible minor injury.
  • Check the welfare of an elderly subject in the 400 Block of North La Cumbre.
  • Assault on Camino Del Sur victim at GVCH.
  • Homeless subject disturbing 805 State street.
  • Bicycle accident 2100 Block of Gilbraltar.
  • Medical call at the Rescue Mission.
  • Subject disturbing and selling drugs at the Fig Tree 100 Block of West Montecito.
  • Possibly suicidal subject with guns West Side guns were taken away by SBPD.
  • Yanonali at Anacapa 20002 non injury hit and run.
  • 911 Hang Up 2 females having words in the background 300 Block of South Voluntario.
  • South of the 400 Block of Toro Canyon 7 shots heard.
  • 415 Homeless males arguing near a green van with a recent broken window 700 Block of Carpinteria avenue.
  • Subject seen cutting off his ankle monitor in the 900 Block of State street.
  • Homeless male ripped off for 200.00 Dollars by a female at the Dolphin Fountain she was last seen walking up Sterns Wharf.
  • 415 Panhandlers in the MILPAS UNDERPANTS I think they work in shifts.
  • 6 Shots heard in the Butterfly Preserve at Ellwood.


Scanner Reports, Sunday

  • Subject harassing employees at the rescue mission 535 East Yanonali.
  • Female knocked on reporting party’s door when they opened it she said she belonged to the house then walked away appearing confused, 5100 Block of Walnut Park.
  • Theft of a Wallet and personal items from an RV near Micheltorena and State street by a female driving a black Jeep.
  • Vehicle Accident in a creek highway 150 at Casitas Pass Road.
  • Check the welfare of 2 dogs in a white Jetta in the parking lot at SBHS.
  • Check the Welfare of a suicidal subject living on the WestSide who’s guns were taken away over the weekend.
  • Igor hit his sister then left North on San Pascual 242 Assault.
  • Check the welfare of 2 dogs in a beige Aerostar in Waller Park.
  • Road Rage suspect throwing food at other vehicle in the 5100 Block of Hollister WMA in a grey Hyundai.
  • Suspicious circumstances property missing from house in the 800 Block of East Haley.
  • Threats investigation in the 1900 Block of Bath street.
  • 415 Neighbors not getting aBong in the 500 Block of West Arrellaga if they got a Bong they would get along
  • 8 Juveniles gang types hanging out on the Cacique street Bridge in the 1200 Block of Cacique street.
  • Check the Welfare of a male on the bus bench 925 State street.
  • Check the Welfare of a dog in a truck lower level of Paseo Nuevo  800 Block of Chapala.
  • Found property an ankle monitor in the 900 Block of State street I wonder where that came from?
  • Landlord going off on a tenant in the 3800 Block of Jalama Road.
  • 23152 Blue Honda Accord highway 101 North off at Milpas Northbound registered in Nipomo.
  • 3 Males drinking Da BOOZE in Dwight Murphy Park 500 Block of Ninos


Will that is it outta me for now Have a Wonderful MONday-MONday…Peter, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Clancy, Tom Cat, Thomicina, Tiger, Midnight, Merlin, Lola, Fish Head One, Poncho, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Jonathan, C.J., Brad, Billy, Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Patrick, Christy, Diana, Jim, Rambo, Sherry, Bommy, Poppy, June, Bengy, Ricky, Muskie, David Cox, Poe, Marty, Cop John, Pat, Mavis, Magruder, Don, Edwin, Cory, Isabelle, Jerry, LUCY! Debbie, Ken, John Hancock, Mickey Mantle, Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, Tom Petty, and Chris Willing we will see you on WEDnesday.  Later,  Roger


Written by Roger

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  1. I have no job-related stake in homelessness. Just a feeling that our society is better than to suggest that we forcibly or otherwise relocate populations that offend us or no longer serve our needs. Simply standing up for our basic freedoms.

  2. There not “homeless”, as you KNOW Roger, most are opportunists and bums that choose to live as urban campers. The City / Mayor/ City Councils pay “Homeless Inc.” more than a Million dollars EVERY YEAR… I’d venture to guess NO OTHER City in the United States, with a population of 110,000 spends that much in Taxpayer funds.
    They, (fill in the blank) come here from all over the U.S. because Santa Barbara is known as a homeless enclave that will feed, house and tolerate them. In fact if you are labeled as “Chronic Homeless”, they even eventually get you an apartment or condo- thanks to the taxpayer subsidized SB Housing Authority… So why not come to the “American Riviera” rather than stay in Iowa , Nebraska or ….(?)

  3. Let’s use your speculation there are maybe at least 2500 “homeless” living property tax free in our area every year. Skipping out on a very approximate number of $5000 a year property tax bill that others who are “housed” are required to pay – that is over a $12 million dollars these “homeless” get to avoid paying each year. The cost of allowing people to live at our expense shocks the conscience. They offer absolutely nothing in return, but even more drain on our own local resources.

  4. Do you have documented sources for exact homeless funding in Santa Barbara City or any proof that any other city in the United States pays less than the city of Santa Barbara or is this just more BlahBlahBlah Moaning and Groaning about how much better the homeless have it better than the taxpayers? I’m sure some homeless people would love to trade places with you and where are these condos you speak of? I have never heard of a city buying a homeless person a condo I want one of those! Actually those who work in the Homeless Industry get more of the benefits in their salaries than the homeless do and most of the money is mean’t to go to the homeless….As far as the “American Riviera” goes it’s still part of America and everyone is welcome in a free country if you feel differently your free to move somewhere else Iowa, Nebraska, or….?

  5. Flicka,
    If I could make a suggestion- Go down to Caquie St and Milpas and actually make contact with these “homeless” individuals… NONE are from Santa Barbara, SB County and very few are even from CA… I am all for helping the truly “Homeless” families from our area- They DO get the help they need- These urban travelers are a completely different demographic. They are the ones taking up our local resources like Police and Fire, causing issues all over town that will eventually take down SB like San Francisco… They are living and polluting river beds from Carp to Lompoc, they steal and commit crimes amongst themselves and others….

  6. The condo complex on the corner of Castillo and Carrillo is for chronic homeless- When Helene was Mayor, she actually (unbelievably so) received an award for it.. There are apartments all over town that house ex felons and once homeless- The Apartments on Broadmore Plaza and Richland, the apartments over what was once Mom’s Italian Restaurant and across the street from that location, the ones upstairs from 600 Blk Garden St for Mental challenged Homeless…. The list goes on and on. This year the City of SB gave MORE than One million to Homeless Inc.

  7. At one time the city listed a total 2000 “shelter beds” in this town. More have been provided since then. Yes, there is a SBHA half-way house on West Carrillo between Castillo and Bath. With onsite transition services. No audit as to its effectiveness, but it is targeting this specific population. There are also the overnight RV parking lots the city still runs which now also pay city property owners to let these “homeless” RV drivers a place to park off street during the daytime. Your tax dollars at work.

  8. Yes but where is your documented proof of resources these people burn up from the tax payer rolls? I cannot find any info myself as I have looked GOOGLE just seems to give me the Runaround I seriously want to know as I have several beefs with the homeless industry myself. I have been homeless but hardly ever benefited from taxpayer cash though for sometime I paid into it and did so working and into my own benefit. As far as shelters I stayed away people that work in some of those places make bank get rich some pocket. Most homeless handicapped get a bed and their meals not all homeless score Santa Barbara hospitality like you say…Many are out of towners and some are Santa Barbara natives I still think there is more than 2,500…I mean look at all the camps up and down the freeway into and past Goleta down into Carp, in the hills, and the hoods, in cars, behind bars, porta potties any given time how many are in jail? RVers in the Parks? Along the Rail Road Tracks? On and On and On..I feel for the Homeless I have been there, I feel for the Working class and the poor I have been there too…Cacique and Milpas I’m there now.. My point is not to bi$ch at everyone who has more then them and I…I would like to hear and see constructive solutions the ACLU sued Santa Barbara in March of 2009 and from what I see the Homeless are going no where…”Go Down to Cacique and Milpas” like it’s a bad place lol…

  9. Please get your “facts” straight and “watch” what’s really going on here on our coast regarding homelessness. According to this 2017 report the number of homeless in Santa Barbara (County and City) has decreased every year since 2011 indicating that local policies and the programs are indeed working. The costs of solving these issues reasonably and compassionately have shown to be less than the cost of solving them through law enforcement, incarceration and institutionalism. In 2017, there were 1,489 total homeless (not 2,500) countywide and 790 homeless individuals in Santa Barbara City. The majority of them (not NONE) were from SB or had been here for a long time. A large number of hard working, tax paying local individuals and families are just a paycheck or 2 from being in their position. A lot of people who have lived and worked here for decades paying taxes and supporting the economy will simply have to move away to afford to live in retirement or will become homeless.
    This statement is concerning: “The cost of allowing people to live at our expense shocks the conscience.” As opposed to what? The cost of letting people die at our expense? That’s more shocking to my conscience.

  10. The cost of Homeless Inc is closer to $23 million dollars every year supporting all the staffing required to cater to vagrants in this area, which does not count the delayed trains and campfires they cause by their reckless lifestyle choices. You are obviously too close to the enabling process to see there is nothing humane trying to maintain an artificial population segment in a high cost area. So no the choice is not between spending millions to cater to their every whim, or letting them die in the bushes. The sane option is to get them to move on to areas far better suited for their skill sets and income. You know this and I know this. Don’t paint it any differently because you are afraid you will lose your job feeding off Homeless Inc. You could put them all into permanent housing in Trona California right now for the price of a few social workers who live only to perpetuate myths about vagrants in our midst.

Clever Scam Calls Claim to be Citibank

Thoughts and Prayers for the Victims of the Carr Fire in Redding