Scanner Reports 6-25-23

By Geo Duarte

75+ Medical Emergency calls by 8:42 PM on Sunday. By far, medical calls are the most popular call in “paradise” every, single, day. Opposed to Juvenile crime which is relatively sparse in Santa Barbara. Let’s not blow this issue up. Kids will be kids, AND, many will learn the hard way. Thankfully, most of us become outstanding and upstanding citizens.

Every single town and city has some level of routine crime, yet, many, many more medical issues tend to manifest overall. Santa Barbara, is no exception, nor should it be. It may be part of life, I do not condone crime—Humans are human. Plus, humans tend to unexpectedly become ill quite often, we all have. Thankfully, there are agencies such as SBFD, medical support staff, SBPD, SBSO, Neighborhood Clinics, SB Cottage and Sansum, The Santa Barbara Healthcare Center (awesome) and many more, employing amazing professionals doing their best to care for this beautiful community. Thank All of You.

I saw one 13+ aged child on Sunday in the State St. Promenade doing at least 45+ MPH. On one of them souped-up, extra-fast E-Bikes. He saw me tracking him as he went by, he raised his fist-and-elbow up at me, SMH, adorable!! What, are their parents possibly NOT thinking? This is way above the speed limit, even for any vehicle on downtown surface streets.

The Promenade-Experiment is technically and realistically a sidewalk! According to a Fire Chief I spoke to at UCSB (few years back) driving in a parking-lot, or anytime one is crossing any “extended-sidewalk” in a motorized vehicle. It demands flashing hazard-lights, a foot, ready, on the breaks, AND speeds of less than 5 MPH! What is really happening on State Street? It may possibly be considered negligence for insane-possibilities leading to serious injuries! Pedestrians, mixed with 45+ MPH motorized bicycles!?!? Are You kidding???

Riding a motor vehicle on a sidewalk at 45+ MPH is likely a very serious felony. Members of the community, please chime-in. DEMAND ENFORCEMENT, before a serious event becomes eminent, again!

Finally, one solution may be to have several officers on some of the same really-FAST-E-BIKES supporting and enforcing that beat.

Now, here are some of the scanner reports I was able to gather. It’s not that easy of a hobby. LoL, especially when you are also caring for a handicap immediate relative. Be well my friends, enjoy every moment.  #Joy  

For several weeks I will attempt to keep this up. I am researching how to gather info for a future journalism class which I will be attending. #solutions #ebikes

1:27 AM, Traffic collision at N. Blosser Rd & W. Donovan Rd, Santa Maria. Resolved in 10 min.

10:34 AM, Fallen person, needs lift assist. Calle Real, Santa Barbara. Resolved in 13 min.

10:47 AM, Vegetation fire, Hwy 1 & Hancock Dr. near Hancock College, Lompoc, Ca. Took 8 Hours to resolve.

3:08 PM, Traffic Collision. W, Main St. & S. Blosser Rd, Santa Maria. Took 35 minutes to close the call.

4:13 PM, Serious vehicle collision at De La Vina St. & W. Los Olivos St. Both vehicles required flatbed tows. Resolved in 16 min.

4:17 PM, Hazardous Condition call. Shoreline Dr. & Loma Alta Dr. Santa Barbara. Anyone have any details? Cleared in 14 min.

4:39 PM, Traffic Collision, W. Main St. & N. Depot St, Santa Maria, CA. Closed in 13 min.

5:15 PM,Vegetation Fire at Lake Cachuma. Unnamed St, STE 082D403, Cachuma Lake, Ca. Case closed in 54 min.

6:01 PM, White, Ford Mustang crashed at Foothill and Foothill Ln. Reportedly as per witnesses a 13-year-old driver, The 19-year-old sister stated she was the driver. 6:15 PM, Shutting down East bound traffic at Mission Canyon. 13-year-old proceeded to get nervous and left the scene by running away to his nearby home. Several minutes later “Mother, now on scene.” At that time, yet unresolved, who was really driving?  Under investigation. Anyone witness?

6:02 PM, Vehicle needed assistance. 300 block W. Mountain Dr, Santa Barbara, Ca. Closed in 28 Min.

6:53 PM, Fallen person, requires lift assist. Sanderling Ln. Goleta. Closed in 32 Min.

7:34 PM, 1200 block E. Montecito St. Father states his son is under the influence. He has locked himself in his bedroom. The son is attempting to open the door. Father is a Spanish speaker.

7:41 PM, Silent tamper alarm at a B.o.A, ATM machine on Coast Village Rd. May have been due to a power outage in the area. 7:59 PM, SBPD confirmed “tamper alarm” is due to power still being out. System server, likely, detecting inability to retain connection.

8:00 PM, Second alarm, now in 1100 block Coast Village ATM at Chase Bank. Shows disconnect error, due to power outage.

8:03 PM, Tenant and Resident disputes.1700 Block of Villa Ave. Santa Barbara. 2nd call today to exact same address within 4 hours. 1st. call was cleared due to a medical condition. “… A female is heard screaming again,,,” Ongoing dispute…

8:24 PM, Check-the-welfare at an address on E. Sola St, Santa Barbara. Male left a local medical facility. Declined care. Has a skull fracture. His-out-of-own, brother, requesting SBPD check status.

9:11 PM, Power restored to Coast Village Rd. as per SBPD scanner traffic.

9:27 PM, Female has returned to the Rescue Mission after being asked to leave. Initial call was 8:52 PM.

9:33 PM, Domestic disturbance, Butter knife wielding subject. 100 Block of Paradise Rd.

9:36 PM, a 16 Year-old juvenile is attempting to steal items at 7-11 at 5810 Hollister Ave. Goleta. This is a suspect from a previous call. WMA. SBSO responded.

9:44 PM, Disturbing the peace at CVS, 3939 State St. CVS. WMA. white shirt, blue sweats. Threatening CVS employees.

The grammatics may not be perfect, yet generally, intelligible reporting. Best to all.

Geo Duarte

Written by Geo Duarte

Geo Duarte is a volunteer scanner reporter for More reports can be viewed on Geo's Instagram page @Xtek_Overload

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      It’s more labor efficient to put the video online, and this would provide access to more observers than ride-alongs would accommodate. I can’t afford to ride along every day and I doubt the PD could facilitate every request. If it’s recorded, WE can watch highlights or high-speed playback.
      Police activity is public property, there’s nothing cowardly about expecting accountability from the services we fund.
      I’m wondering why public servants take offense and hurl insults when stakeholders DEMAND to know what we’re paying for.
      I’m sure you’re very brave COASTWATCH, enjoy the rest of your day.

  1. “I saw one 13+ aged child on Sunday in the State St. Promenade doing at least 45+ MPH”
    highly doubt you did.. most 13-year-olds ride Rad bikes that barely do over 30. 45+ is way faster than I have ever seen anyone (even with bikes capable of those speeds) on State Street ever.

    • @BASICINFO805
      If live feeds are a problem, for tactical reasons, maybe the video should be released after 48 hours.
      A 48 hour time delay would allow time to blur citizens’ faces.
      If a corrupt cop gets caught altering the video to destroy evidence, they should go to prison.
      Maybe I’ll make this into my new hobby, thanks for the advice BASICINFO805.
      You’re right to question the narrative; cops and reporters use deception more often than you’d believe.

    • @THETEK
      Lol, I caught my “EHDAT” mistake after I posted and I haven’t found the “edit comment” functionality on Thanks for clarifying.
      You can atclulay sclrmbae all the mdilde ltertes and smoe plepoe can stlil raed it, as lnog as all the ltetres are psreent.
      To be clear, I’m not defending reckless speeding on the sidewalk.
      I’m shamelessly using this opportunity to advocate for accountability from the justice system and those who enforce the law.
      You should watch the movie “Thank You For Smoking”, it illustrates how using rhetoric to win a debate is often more fruitful than being correct, when the crowd is irrational.
      I’m hoping I can sharpen my skills and utilize rhetorical tools to advocate truth. I know I’ll need both superior rhetorical ‘weapons’ AND flawless epistemology to accomplish my goals. I’m glad I can practice on this forum.

    • @Nik0777 It’s not @EDHAT. it’s @EHDAT funny how the brains perception does this. They have done studies. Active readers tend to auto-correct spelling-errors at almost the speeed of liight, @ Eh dat got me too. for about two sec.
      I did the math even at 30 MPH, the kiddo was going way too fast. 44-feet-per-second. In 10 seconds he was gone from the scene. A block on state averages maybe 500 Feet??
      Thus, in 10 seconds the kiddo would have traveled 444 Feet, almost the whole block. This ‘reporter’ is not exagerating. Although, I do proof-read, in attempts to catch my own BS. LoL. Editorial sensetionalism in no-bueno. Shameless, sensationalism, is what our ex-prez, the thrump-stir! was constantly proliferating, OUT-right-lies. AND, he was-too-dang-good at it, terribly-good-at-it.
      Making people emotionaly exited in order to manipulate them politically, should be conscidered some kind of a crime.
      Be well @Nik0777
      AVoid, #sensationalism

    • @OGSB My handle contains the number ‘0’ not the letter O. I understand this is not easy to see, but the name is niK, like Kin, but backwards.
      I don’t watch reality TV, but I think police brutality is really serious and police should be held to a higher standard than civilians if they’re going to be granted special privileges.
      If we’re all going to be subjects of mass surveillance, enforcement should be subjects of targeted public surveillance while they serve.
      I don’t trust police to release relevant material, if it will hurt their careers and their budget, because they are humans who are capable of self-interested crime in the line of duty.
      Criminal cops are just like any other criminal, they will use any tool at their disposal to escape justice. Maybe you’ve never been a victim of corrupt officers, so maybe you don’t understand the horror.
      I hope I can make it just a bit harder for corrupt pigs to escape justice. I’m really excited about this.
      Thanks for your comment OGSB

    • NIK0- Thanks for the correction on your handle. I’ve had my fair share of BS and abuse from cops in my youth. I still think the majority are good, just like the rest of the population. Maybe I’m being naive, but I know several SBPD and they are amazing selfless people. There is ZERO chance that I would do that job in this environment. Would you? There aren’t any cases where video is requested and not provided. Of course, I am sheltered in SB and White, so there are obviously things I don’t experience. I have been beaten for drunk peeing in a park and had a gun to my head for getting into my glove box among other crap, but as a white guy, I’m sure that stuff is 10 fold for brown people.

    • @OGSB
      I’d do the job under public surveillance, if I agreed with more of the laws that were being enforced.
      I’d definitely be extra careful to make sure my actions were justifiable if I knew that the public would witness it.
      If you agree with the law, and you aren’t breaking the law that you’re enforcing, you shouldn’t fear open access to your body camera.
      It’s not just about catching dirty cops, it’s about persuading cops to refuse to enforce inhumane, plutocratic and counterproductive laws that their constituents don’t actually support.
      I feel it’s somewhat NAZI-ish to enforce laws that you feel are wrong; and those NAZI guys got executed for “just doing their jobs.” Rightfully so IMHO.

  2. @OGSB
    Property owners and Corporations use lobbyists to convince millionaire politicians to write what they want into law. This is especially the case in regions where there is no initiative system. We have no ability to vote on federal law, but we are allowed to vote on state law in California.
    We can vote representatives into office on the federal level, then we can pout and complain while our reps vote however they want while in office.
    Assume the public saw the reality of enforcement and ZERO cops would enforce the law due to the outrage.
    I’m certain that the wealthy would change their tactics and be more mindful of the laws they are advocating for profit. It’s a profit/power calculation and the property owners would definitely prefer reduced profits over ZERO enforcement of their property “rights”.
    I find it especially egregious when the punishment causes more damage than the crime.
    I allegedly grew cannabis, before it was legal, without being caught.
    I know people in other states still get prison sentences for something that I don’t consider to be a criminal act.
    Imprisoning people for benign acts is harmful to the individual, the family, and the economy.
    The prison industrial slave complex and the factions who advocate for nonsense laws laugh all the way to the bank, while society suffers.
    Maybe I’m overthinking it, but I definitely think public access to body cam footage would enhance
    police accountability. It might also protect officers from being wrongfully “thrown under the bus” by their precinct.
    It’s a shame that we can’t vote on federal law in the “land of the free”.

    • Enforcement should be utilized when the actions of “kids” directly endanger the health and safety of others to an unacceptable degree. There are technological solutions that would make it impossible to drive a vehicle on the sidewalk, but it likely wouldn’t be profitable to implement these solutions.
      Enforcement should not pursue retribution or punishment.
      Enforcement should prevent harm to those who have not consented to risks imposed by offenders while minimizing the negative impacts it imposes on offenders.
      Correctional facilities should seek to improve the lives of its constituents while protecting society from negative patterns of behavior. You can cage murderers, treat them with kindness, and try to cure them while isolating them from non-murderers.
      Don’t criminalize smoking; instead create spaces with negative-pressure ventilation systems and carbon filtration, so smoke does not reach those who intend to avoid it.
      I’m not a fan of false dichotomies, reality is complicated (not black and white).

    • Children are a legally protected social class, we can not really do much but tell them to slow down. Children do childish things. It’s not a civilian’s job to stand on State and tell every kiddo to slow down. I miss the beat-cops, and officers on bikes. Their presence made a considerable difference.
      So, to answer your question, it’s both. Kids will be kids and the law will need to monitor the promenade. If the parents let their unattended minors race through the streets, basically turning them loose on high speed e-bikes. Then, some other authority should be outhere to slow them down. If they unfortunately do cause damage or serious injury, the parents will be on the hook for damage$!

    • “Riding a motor vehicle on a sidewalk at 45+ MPH is likely a very serious felony. Members of the community, please chime-in. DEMAND ENFORCEMENT, before a serious event becomes eminent, again!”
      “Let’s not blow this issue up. Kids will be kids”
      So what is it, demand enforcement or kids will be kids.

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