By Roger the Scanner Guy
The other day I was in my little house listening to the Scanner and writing things down, around noon I went out to check the mail I noticed a woman on the porch next door on a sleeping bag, near a bicycle she was eating some grub with large chomps. I said “Hello” she did the same and smiled while taking hearty bites of whatever she was eating, I went over to the mailbox opened it there were my Christmas bills from Cox and some collection agency. I looked at them momentarily then shut the box and headed back toward home, 90 or so feet away. The gal was now smoking a cigarette biting down on the filter. I remembered I knew someone long ago that used to do that, as I walked by I said “Have a nice Day” and she said something I couldn’t tell what and smiled. She reminded me of someone.
Anyway I came back into my littler house and sat listening to the Scanner and writing things down, about an hour or so later I heard the trash container getting rolled up and down the driveway. That made me happy because then I did not have to do it, seems like everytime I do it pulls my back out, funny though I did not see anyone go by with the container on the way to the backyard. Oh Well I went back to what I was doing a little while after, I took a break and went outside the trash container was up against the house and filled with weeds and other garbage, just then Jim walked up and said “She was here again.” I answered “Who?” He told me the homeless woman who cleans our yard. I put two and two together and figured out it was the woman on the porch who reminded me of someone. I walked over to the porch reached down and picked up a cigarette butt, Camel the same cigarettes my friend smoked and chewed on just like this woman. I looked at the work she did it was done the exact same way my friend cleared a yard, my friend was a gardener and used what ever trash container was available not always the green recycling bin which was full anyway come to think of it her bicycle was the same make model of bicycle my friend rode and she looked a little like my friend who had been gone now a little over 3 years. I went into my house and cried missing my friend but Grateful for this Angel who was sent back to me for Christmas.
FRYday Scanner Reports:
- Suspicious vehicle in the 200 Block of West Pedregosa green Honda missing a stereo. Turned out to be stolen and people were detained in the 300 Block of West Pedregosa.
- Vehicle Accident 299 North Fairview.
- 415 At the Buellton Albertsons on Highway 246 a woman said a man with 2 dogs was following her and she proved it by spraying him in the face with mace., He should not have argued with her.
- Check the Welfare of a man down on the sidewalk 500 Block of Chapala.
- 415 Family 600 Block of Ash.
- Possible Elder Abuse of a sister by her brother at Pilgrim Terrace.
- 600 Block of Park Lane a Prowler.
- 2 Males yelling at each otter Chapala at Canon Perdido.
- 2 Suspicious subjects one in a vacant house with a flashlight the otter outside both left in a black Dodge Charger from the 700 Block of West Micheltorena.
- 415/ 1300 Block of Indio Muerto someone screaming police responding code 3 lights and sirens never found out what it was over but I think someone went to jail.
- Burglary 200 Block of East Laureles and 5 more the next 24 hours.
- Subjects climbing a fence stealing items from a construction zone for a homeless camp 500 Block of North Sapsitudes.
- Stupid Drunk violent guy tries to fight the Law after assaulting his wife but goes to jail instead Garden at Anapamu.
- 484 Theft of items from Rite Aide on North Fairview getaway vehicle a red Mercedes.
- Fall victim 300 Block of Old Mill Road.
- Fall victim 1600 Block of East Clark.
- Suspicious circumstances homeless subject lighting newspapers and a 2×4 on fire behind the Adult bookstore 400 Block of State street he walked away before the responders got there.
- Premise check highway 101 Southbound Garden street onramp.
- Arrellaga at San Andreas a woman slapped another woman 242pc.
- 459 Burglary on Del Playa missed address.
- 415 Domestic 2541 Modoc yelling things being thrown I used to live there years ago it was very entertaining.
Saturday Scanner Reports:
- Non-injury Traffic Accident at the 217 Off Ramp
- Report of a subject shooting heroin in a toilet stall at 24 hour fitness 800 Block of State street.-
- heck the Welfare of a subject off their medication in the 1100 Block of DLV.
- 484 Theft at World Market on going issue with the same subject 610 State street.
- Wanted subject let his batteries die on his GPS Monitor 1100 Block of Cacique got him in the 1100 Block of Carpinteria Ave.
- 400 Block of Verano Drive 459 Burglary to a home.- Fall victim 800 Block of Picacho Lane.
- 415 Family not getting a Bong on Uranus, not mine 3700 Block.
- 415 Domestic 100 Block of MoHawk.
- Assault with a pot in the 700 Block of Spring street, hit me with a pot it better be green.
- Strong Arm Robbery, 242 Assault a Thug hit a handicapped woman and took her money along side of World Market in the first block of East Cota last seen West Bound with his other Thug Friends.
- Medical call at the Santa Barbara Police Department difficulty breathing.
- 500 Block of Elm street A Brother broke into a home.
- A relative who was refusing to leave a residence in the 1400 Block of Eucalyptus Hill Road got the Wrap. and went to jail via police escort. I never got a police escort.
- Assault at Whiskey Richards the suspect spent the evening evading the police and causing 415 Disturbances in other businesses in the area too. That guy has more of a life than I do.
- Theft from K-Mart.
- Burglary to a residence in the 1700 Block of Clear View
- Medical call in a Security Jeep at 35 South Milpas near Rite Aide.
- Unknown if injury accident center divider 3524 State street.
Sunday Scanner Reports:
- Medical call back pain 45 East Alamar.
- Homeless subject pushed off a curb in the 500 Block of East Yanonali.
- Possible 459 or suspicious circumstances of some type 5900 Block of Questa Verde.
- Ill female 300 Block of East DLG.
- Non injury hit and run suspect followed to the 700 Block of West Cota then possibly Wrapped up and taken to County Jail.
- Live Oak Lane at Saint James 415 Son refusing to let his mother leave.
- Broken Gas Pipe 700 Block of Bond Ave
- Vegetation Fire on highway 166 possibly started by a flat tire, small put out quick THANK THE GOOD DOG!
- 415 Domestic RVers male broke RV window and took his girlfriends purse 700 Of East Yanonali.
- Fall victim medical call 800 Block of East DLG.
- Medical call for an ill subject who cannot walk.
- Vehicle accident highway 154 at 246.
- Reckless white pickup truck SB on Bath passed Cottage on a flat tire white Ford pickup truck.
- Medics code 2 on a code 40 700 Block of North Alisos.
- Reckless silver Lexus Mission Drive at Skip Mesa.
- 415 Domestic white 2005 Lincoln Navigator tint windows female screaming for help inside Hollister at Fairview.
- Slow Crime Day though I think the burglars are working.
That is all outta me for now HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ROGERS HOUSE TO YOURS…..Peter, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Fish Head One, Clancy, Poncho, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Jonathan, C.J. Brad, Billy, Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Patrick, Christy, Diana, Jim,, Marty, Cop John, David Cox, Poe, Ricky,Rambo, Sherry, Bommy, Poppy, Magruder, Don, Edwin, Cory, Isabelle, Jerry, John Hancock, Mickey Mantle, Ernie Banks, Tom Petty, and Chris willing we will see you on WEDnesday. Later, Roger