By Roger the Scanner Guy
It was January 1974 when I got to the Boys Home it was called Leslie Boys Home after a Dr. Leslie. It was in Fort Wayne, Indiana on the property of St. Vincent’s in the 2000 Block of North Wells street, there were 3 sets of Houseparents, all young. Tim and Sandy were the Full-time Houseparents both in their late 20’s, then there was Richard and Robin, and Jo and Bert. Richard was in his 30’s, Robin early 30’s, Jo and Bert 20’s. We had a cook an older woman named Dolly she made Hamburger Habit every day 400 Different ways usually burned to a fine crisp she was a chef. I loved Hamburger Habit I loved it so much I haven’t eaten it since 1974. There was a kid they told me to stay away from he was trouble, they said so I made it a point to not only hang out with the guy but become roommates. First thing we did was bust into the Arts and Crafts closet and steal a case of Testers Airplane glue that stuff was real bad but back then it was anything to get high. Tim and Sandy took a job in Washington D.C. and were leaving so new staff members were hired. There was Julie, and Teresa, Deke, Jerry, and Po they were all single but did not have to be married to be house parents…They were all college students in their 20’s. Po was 26 Years old, 6’4″ 300+ pounds a former Gary, Indiana Street Gang Leader he wanted to be a Basketball coach and went to St. Francis College in Fort Wayne while working at the Boys Home. There was a Doctor who ran the whole show her name was Sylvia Lee she was 42 and Married and had a very weird sense of humor. Deke wore funny looking glasses kinda like Elton John he was tall and muscular he did not put up with any shit but he was nice. Jerry had long hair and was a bit wild he drove the Boys Home Van about 90 mph we loved him. Teresa, I was in love with, wore flannel shirts, jeans, long straight brown hair. I was in love with my house Mother, film at 11. Julie was just Julie she was nice. I really did not know much about her she hung out with Zeke. The First week Po was there everyone flocked around him like birds he was a big guy and friendly and Black. If you’re from the area I come from at that time Black people, White People, Mexican people did not really hang out there was a lot of racism in those days, there is a lot now too.
My first interaction with Po this huge smiling man was when I bitch slapped him as hard as I could and called him the “N” word, he punched me right in the mouth. We were even, he told me to never call him the “N” word again but I had OCD no one knew what OCD was then. There were 18 of us in the boys home many of the boys were little criminals but some of us were unwanted. I’ve only been able to find one in all these years and he doesn’t like me because he voted for Chump that is OK though people change. Me and Po ended up pretty close I got myself in trouble and was to be sent back to the State Hospital and he along with several other staff members stood up and said they would flat out quit if I was sent back so Po kinda became my Foster Father. Between the 2 other fathers I had Po was the best he was a good man we became close for awhile he saved my life when I got meningitis after I had meningitis I was taken out of the boys home and sent somewhere else we saw less and less of each other as we both aged. Po passed away in 2007 he was the Basketball Coach at Urbana College in Ohio. I will probably write more about Po here and there I’m grateful for having had Po in my life and that he was my True Father. HERE are YOUR scanner reports
Scanner Reports, Wednesday:
WEDnesday was a rough day waking up and hearing that medical call for that poor person in the wheelchair in the 200 Block of North Milpas at 3:45in the Morning.. I guess I will never understand the hate some people have for the homeless and poor. They are not all criminals I don’t want to understand that hate, or those that hold it.
- Transformer Fire Milpas and Mason.
- Med call 231 North Milpas subject in a wheelchair in a doorway..They were taken to Cottage and a few minutes later heard SBPD call to Cottage for a 242 Assault they are on their way to the hospital. I hope if that person is still among the living they will be going to PATH when they get out.
- Hazardous Condition 400 Block of West Gutierrez, cancelled.
- Transformer arcing Highway 101 at Evans.
- Audible alarm 1300 Block of Rilaldo Lane.
- Male subject pounding on a front door using a crow bar in the 500 Block of North Sapsitudes, he left last night with a Butcher knife hmmmm I wonder where that knife is now?
- Fire Alarms at PATH 816 Cacique.
- Subject in custody at Pet Co. in the 3900 Block of State street.
- 415 Road Rage Cabrillo and Milpas streets.
- Public Accident 100 East Carrillo or maybe it was West Fall victim.
- Med call 102 North Hope
- Possible Hang Glider Down Ventura County side of Rincon Park.
- 2 Males fighting in East Side Park 200 Block of North Soledad.
- 415pc Male female Franklin Library 1102 East Montecito.
- Subject refusing to leave a Motel in the 3500 Block of State street.
- Highway 101 Northbound at Highway One Semi on Fire smoke coming from under the hood.
- 200 West Cabrillo Medical call Hotel Milo.
- Cacique and Milpas Medical call under the Cacique Overpass.
- Code 40, Drunk 1000 Block of Cacique, Drunk.
Scanner Reports, Thursday:
The start of the Holiday season, Hellidays for some Families…I have no idea where this was but first thing their morning turning on the Scanner I heard..” They are restraining the Mother and you can hear a 415pc in the background. It Begins
- Vehicle Accident Highway 101 at 3 Mile Grade One vehicle, one patient.
- Trash clean up for Public Works State street at DLV street.
- Vehicle rollover Highway 101 Northbound North of Winchester Canyon off ramp.
- 459 Burglary to the Palace Grill a few minutes later they said 594pc Which is vandalism someone through a rock through the window.
- 1300 Block of Castillo street Suspicious Investigation
- 415 Subject on a porch refusing to leave in the 2000 Block of State street wearing a tee shirt and sweat panties.
- Suicidal subject with a knife in the 3900 Block of Via Lucero.
- Med call 1800 Block of Olive.
- Turkey on Fire in the Oven 4100 Block of Constellation
- 2 Subjects refusing to leave McDonalds 29 North Milpas street fighting too.
- Mother having a panic attack after using Meth, West Side.
- 1900 Block of Bath subject asked to use the bathroom then opened the window and went over the back fence.
- Vehicle accidentHighway 101 Northbound, North of the 1.
- Female keeping calling 911 Then hanging up 3700 Block of Mandarin Court.
- 242pc Son struck his Mother in the Coast Village Roundabout.
- Medical Call for a subject who got cut using a table saw. 5000 Block of Castis Pass.
- Mud, Dirt, Rock, 2800 Block of Gibraltar Road.
- Subject possibly a relative of a patient 242ed Assaulted an employee of Alta Lucero so the police responded and the male resisted arrest so more police showed up and the relative is going to jail.
- Medical call with PD response DLG and SB Streets.
- Medical Call with police response 3505 State street Motel 6.
Black FRYday. I’m not really a big fan but I’m going to get some Christmas Cards at a good price, and some candy too. I wish Trader Joes celebrated Black FRYday, maybe I’ll score some nice things at Pet Smart. Fish Head 3 is already growing out of his tank. Anyway Have a Great Weekend…Peter, Molly, Belinda, Midnight, Merlin, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Tom Cat, Clancy, Tiger, Tomicina, Lola, PoPo,, Shadow, FREDDIE!, Maxwell,Tiny, Andy, Fish Heads, One and Two, Poncho, Denny, Zeke, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Jonathan, C.J., Brad, Billy, Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Patrick, Christy, Diana, Jim, Ross, Rambo, Sherry, Eddie, Bambi, Lafayette, Ted, Pat, Mavis, Mrs. MacArthur, Auntie Helen, Willie, Mark, Bengie, Ricky, Po, David Cox, Marty, Cop John, Bommy, Poppy,June, Muskie, Magruder, Don, Edwin, Cory, Crazy Ed, Debbie, Ken, Isabelle, Jerry, LUCY!,STOBE THE HOBO, KFC, John Hancock, Micky Mantle, Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, John Havlick, Little Mac, Tom Petty, and Chris Willing we will see you on MONday-MONday. Later,, Roger.