SBUSD and CSEA Reach Tentative Agreement to Add an Optional Mediation Step in the Grievance Procedure

Administrative offices of the Santa Barbara Unified School District (file photo)

SBUSD Offers Counter Proposal to CSEA for Contract Language on Working out of Class – CSEA Offers Counter Proposal for Shift Premium and Floater Pay 

This is Santa Barbara Unified School District’s (SBUSD) seventh Negotiations Update for successor contract negotiations between the District and the California School Employee Association (CSEA). The District will distribute the Negotiations Update after meetings with CSEA to inform our community on the progress of negotiations.

SBUSD and CSEA Reach Tentative Agreement to Add an Optional Mediation Step in the Grievance Procedure
The current grievance procedure does not include an option for mediation. Both sides agreed on language that would add an optional mediation step to the grievance process. In this process, the mediator will first try to resolve the grievance through mediation; however, if mediation doesn’t bring about a resolution, the mediator will become the arbitrator and will render a decision that will be final and binding.

SBUSD Offers Counter Proposal to CSEA for the Working out-of-Class Contract Article
The District gave a counter proposal for the work out-of-class article. The proposed  language designates when a supervisor could have an employee work out-of-class, and when unit members would receive additional pay.  CSEA will respond at a future meeting.

CSEA Offers Counter Proposal for Shift Premium and Floater Pay 
CSEA proposed changing shift differential and floater pay to $180 per month, which would increase with future salary increases.

Next Steps:

The next negotiation sessions are on May 9 and May 15.

Dr. John Becchio, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Kim Hernandez, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
ShaKenya Edison, Assistant Superintendent of Student and Family Services
Tara Wise, Classified Personnel Manager
Ed Gomez, Santa Barbara High School Assistant Principal


Written by SBUnified

Press releases written by the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD). Learn more at

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  1. What is the point of the district leadership dragging this out. We need our teachers and should treat them with respect for their commitment despite the district continueing to drag it/s feet and create ambiguity. This has been hard on teachers and parents. Our most vulnerable students are suffering many are unable to take the A- G’s , We need a model that prioritizes the unmet needs of the vulnerable students as well as the success of all students.
    So many times our MTSS, multi system of supports.. offers too little support far too late. We dont begin testng until the 3rd grade. Why not test all in 1st and offer whatever is needed, generously. Being proactive will reduce special ed costs by 70% and enable 95 proficiency by end of 1st if fully implemented.
    Instead of a top down model we need a bottom up one. One that prioritizes the unmet needs of the students teachers, para educators..

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