Update by Santa Barbara Police Department
Santa Barbara Police Department Issues Further Clarification on Parking Enforcement in the City’s Jurisdiction
Recently the City of Santa Barbara issued media releases regarding the City’s posture on parking enforcement during the Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order. For clarification, the Police Department suspended street sweeping enforcement effective December 8, 2020 through the entirety of the Governor’s Stay-at-home Order. All other enforcement will continue.
In an effort to support business activity that is still open, all timed parking signs are in full force. Traffic safety is of tantamount importance – Bike lanes, red zones, and other permitted parking spaces are being enforced throughout the City. You are responsible for continuing to observe all signage pertaining to parking your vehicle on a City street or structure.
Vehicles parked on City streets or structures must observe all other parking requirements and laws outside of being granted dispensation from street sweeping.
Update by an edhat reader
I’d like to correct Mr. Wagner from the SB Police Department on his incorrect statement in the comment section. Anyone who has received parking tickets this week should call the Police Department to have it immediately cancelled and if you have already paid, ask for a refund ASAP.
The City of Santa Barbara issued an email on Saturday, December 5 titled “Stay at Home Order Goes Into Effect Sunday at 11:59 p.m.” In that email, the city clearly states that parking enforcement will be cancelled.
“Effective Monday, parking enforcement on City streets will be suspended for the duration of the Stay Home Order due to cancellation of street sweeping. This includes timed parking downtown,” the email states.
Clearly, there is confusion between the City and Police, but residents should not be held accountable because they cannot properly communicate. Contest your tickets now.
By an edhat reader
My neighborhood incorrectly assumed street sweeping would stop during the recent stay at home order. [Monday] morning the meter patrol came through and ticketed many cars followed by street sweeper minutes later.
Thank you for your concern — querying if street sweeping tickets were issued on Monday. I have been advised that City Public Works did have some of their street sweepers out on Monday. While the City may choose to deploy this tool – no vehicle will be cited for not moving their vehicle due to street sweeping during the stay-at-home-order. For clarification, zero citations were issued for street sweeping violations yesterday. I reviewed each citation written on Monday – 14 in total. Zero were for street sweeping violations. Thanks for the opportunity to allay your concerns. Should you have any other questions I would be happy to discuss it over my cell 805-448-5824.
REMINDER: All other parking violations are still in full force.
Anthony Wagner, Police Public Engagement Manager
Mr. Wagner @SBPDPIO, please see the above update to article. The city indeed stated in a public email that parking enforcement is cancelled. I hope those 14 tickets you reviewed will be cancelled.
Ok Anthony Wagner. If you want to hide behind your police press release fine. But let’s get this straight. The City of Santa Barbara sent out an email to its citizens stating that parking enforcement is cancelled, including timed parking due to the stay at home order. And now the Police Department wants to walk back this deal. No dice. The city already stated this will not happen, in a PUBLIC EMAIL to its CITIZENS. So you need to deal with it and stop with the ticketing. This BS press release will not counter the public email sent last week and the citizens should rebuff any and all ticketing. Thanks for trying.