Source: SBHS Computer Science Academy
The Santa Barbara High School Computer Science Academy is pleased to announce the opening of SB Maker’s Space. The Robotics Lab has been transformed into a dynamic new space, thanks to the hard work of many dedicated people. Outgoing director, Richard Johnston, made this his final accomplishment before handing the reins over to Sky Adams. While the CS Academy has grown to incorporate courses like Computational Art, Designing Software for the Web and Mobile Programming, its roots started in the Robotics Lab. Recognizing the history and potential of this space, and the importance of ADA compliance to make it accessible for all students, Johnston held tight to his dream of renovation. “This is an exciting accomplishment for the Computer Science Academy, finally giving students an exciting hub to creatively push and further their learning in robotics, 3D printing and other technical areas of interest,” says Johnston.
Through a generous $15,000 grant from the Williams-Corbett Foundation, the CS Academy Foundation (CSAF) was able to purchase state-of-the-art robotics machinery, professional safety equipment, multi-toner 3D printers and power tools along with new workstations and storage spaces. The CSAF, a parent-run volunteer entity that supports the Academy, then funded a $17,000 renovation of the Robotics Lab, transforming a former student locker room into the new reimagined SB Maker’s Space. Educator Kyle Stewart, club advisor of SBHS’s Robotics Team, spent his summer with Johnston volunteering, cleaning and overseeing the transformation of this space. “Students of all ability levels and backgrounds will be able to learn how to use state-of-the art technology in a supportive and collaborative environment!” announces Adams.
As Santa Barbara looks toward the future of opening up our communities and schools, SB Maker’s Space will unleash and inspire a new generation of SBHS students to help creatively solve the very problems our global societies face today. To find out more about the CS Academy or to support it through the CSAF, visit