SB Unified & CSEA Make Significant Progress on Reclassification Process Language

Administrative offices of the Santa Barbara Unified School District (file photo)

This is Santa Barbara Unified School District’s (SBUSD) ninth Negotiations Update for successor contract negotiations between the District and the California School Employee Association (CSEA).

The District will distribute the Negotiations Update after meetings with CSEA to inform our community on the progress of negotiations.

SBUSD & CSEA Make Significant Progress on Reclassification Process Language
After the previous sessions of our Interest Based Bargaining Process, CSEA presented a new reclassification counterproposal based on that negotiation. Additionally, SB Unified presented a criteria rubric and decision tree.

After these items were exchanged, SB Unified used feedback received during Wednesday’s session to create a clean proposal that meets the mutual interests expressed by both sides. More discussions will be held at the next bargaining session.

Next Steps:
The next negotiation session is May 20th.

Dr. John Becchio, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Kim Hernandez, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
ShaKenya Edison, Assistant Superintendent of Student and Family Services
Tara Wise, Classified Personnel Manager


Written by SBUnified

Press releases written by the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD). Learn more at

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  1. Interesting that SBunified cut many CSEA jobs recently while also celebrating the classified employee appreciation week recently. I can’t imagine that those cuts helped the negotiation process.

  2. This top down system does not work for the struggling students or the teachers, para educators and countless classified that keep computers working and many other fundamental tasks without which the system is an empty shell. Cuts are happening to staff that interacts directly with students. When it would actually be more effective to make cuts to the Superintendent salary and cabinet. One Superintendent I learned about from the Fresno area had his board let him go and then rehire him at a lower rate. His district was in trouble and by reducing his salary and benefits he gave his district and vulnerable students an extra 850,000. Now no one expects our current Superintendent to be so focused on the common good. But just basic reform , like stopping the current but somewhat hush hush practice of allowing the Superintendent and her cabinet to get the same raise as any teacher get.
    So if the teachers get a 15% raise so does Maldonado and her cabinette. This is just one of the many egregious double dipping practices at the top..which already has bloated salaries. Which the board found its courage and put a stop to this. And also ask the Superintendent and cabinet to put some skin in the game. They make 6x what a hard working teacher makes. for doing things that have little positive impact in tne classroom.

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