SB Unified and CSEA Agree in Concept to Details of Reclassification Application, Rubric, and Decision Tree

Administrative offices of the Santa Barbara Unified School District (file photo)

CSEA Submitted Initial Proposals for Article 16 Use of Personal Vehicle, Article 17, Unscheduled Call to Work, and Article 35 Maternity Leave

This is Santa Barbara Unified School District’s (SBUSD) tenth Negotiations Update for successor contract negotiations between the District and the California School Employee Association (CSEA). The District will distribute the Negotiations Update after meetings with CSEA to inform our community on the progress of negotiations.

SBUSD and CSEA Agree in Concept to Details of Reclassification Application, Rubric, and Decision Tree

The District agreed with CSEA in concept to the proposed details of the Reclassification application, rubric, and decision tree process on Monday. CSEA is proposing that Work out of Class and Reclassification be part of one article in the contract, and therefore a tentative agreement on reclassification cannot be reached until CSEA and SBUSD reach an agreement on the work out of class language. CSEA will submit a counterproposal for the Work Out of Class portion of the article in our next session.

CSEA Submitted Initial Proposals for Article 16 – Use of Personal Vehicle, Article 17 – Unscheduled Call to Work, and Article 35 – Maternity Leave

CSEA’s initial proposal on Article 16 included language that would require the District to provide vehicles to all workers who currently use their personal vehicle in the line of work. The current contract language has an IRS reimbursement rate for mileage, and the CSEA proposal included an additional $325 monthly travel stipend. Lastly, CSEA proposed language also would require the District to pay any deductible up to $1000 for a collision that happens while working.

The District rejected this language, responding it would not be feasible for the district to buy a vehicle for everyone who travels between sites and the IRS reimbursement rate provides a more accurate way to pay someone for the exact work they do. In reaction to the deductible proposal, the District responded that it wants to keep the current language which does allow for up to $1,000 in reimbursement, but it is on a case-by-case basis.

CSEA’s proposal for Article 17 requested double-time hazard pay for anyone who comes to work during a Federal, State, or local state of emergency. On Article 35, Maternity Leave, CSEA requested an additional 10 days of paid leave within a year of the birth or adoption of a child. The District has not submitted a counter-proposal to these articles.

Next Steps:

The next negotiation session is June 6th.

Dr. John Becchio, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Kim Hernandez, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
ShaKenya Edison, Assistant Superintendent of Student and Family Services
Tara Wise, Classified Personnel Manager
Ed Gomez, Santa Barbara High School Assistant Principal


Written by SBUnified

Press releases written by the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD). Learn more at

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  1. “CSEA’s proposal for Article 17 requested double-time hazard pay for anyone who comes to work during a Federal, State, or local state of emergency. ”
    What?! That would be during any fire. County employees, even from other departments but working in the emergency ops center, don’t get hazard pay. Every county employee is automatically an emergency employee during emergencies. Schools are the same. It’s part of what you sign up for.

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