Santa Ynez Public Official Identified as January 6th Insurrectionist

By the edhat staff

A Santa Ynez public official and her husband have been identified as being part of a violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The Independent’s Tyler Hayden published the story on Wednesday depicting photos of Karen and Robert Jones inside the U.S. Capitol as part of the pro-Trump insurrection to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s legitimate presidential election win.

Hayden reported he was contacted by a local “sedition hunter,” a member of an online group who help the FBI identify members of the terrorist mob from January 6, who had collected video evidence of the Jones’ trespassing into the Capitol building during the riot.

Karen Jones, a resident of Santa Ynez, is ​a two-time candidate for county supervisor who currently serves as president of the Santa Ynez Valley Community Services District, is the founding president and a current volunteer at the Santa Ynez Valley Opportunity Shop, and previously served on the Board of Directors of the Santa Ynez Valley Airport Authority (SYVAA). 

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Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Poor Karen. She and her husband are just two of millions of Americans duped by loser Trump. Karen on the campaign trail was refreshingly honest. Karen and hubby participating in Jan. 6th had them crossing the line and participating in an act of treason. Spending all that $$$ to travel to the insurrection was not a good use of the money they saved by screwing the SYVCSD workers. Bye. bye. Joneses. Just another sad story of Trump dragging people into the gutter.

  2. “Love Karen”, “Poor Karen”, oh no! She’s not a clueless teenager. She knew exactly what she was doing. She deserves to be accountable for that. At a minimum, it should be the end of her political ambitions, at least around here. If she wants to hit the road, that’s her choice. Nice work by them to identify her.
    It’s called Treason with a capital T.

  3. Insurrectionists are disgusting – and should be prosecuted and shunned in society. Attackers of the seat of government should be tracked like sexual offenders and be required to check in occasionally to monitor their extreme Q beliefs. I wouldn’t live next door to Benedict Arnold. These two people should be pulled from any job or appointment they may currently enjoy at the expense of threatening our nation. These two treasonists will get some jail time. I imagine if they are seen in public now they will wear the scarlet letter for engaging in an attempted coup. My heart holds a special place in Hell for traitors.

    • No question in my mind that the January 6 gathering was, for many, a would-be insurrection and those actively participating in destruction of our seat of government, our Capitol building, need to be punished and all deterred from similar future actions. But what, exactly, did these two people do? We need to avoid charges of guilty before trial, if there is a trial. So far, they seem guilty of extreme stupidity. …having just read Hayden’s excellent story, I take back any sympathy! They obviously knew they were wrong by lying about where they were from and that they’re inside the Capitol Rotunda says all. What great reporting by Tyler H@yden!

    • “Attackers of the seat of government should be tracked like sexual offenders and be required to check in occasionally to monitor their extreme Q beliefs”
      So should these people: “Protesters in Portland marched to a government building Tuesday night, smashing windows and setting an office ablaze in what authorities called a riot. The demonstrators descended on the Multnomah Building, which houses county government operations, and hurled rocks through the front glass doors while setting fires outside the building, officials said.”
      All political violence should be condemned.

    • Chip,
      The capitol invaders and their leaders are traitors, not protestors. Whether they are subhumans is an opinion. Many of us who watched the entire invasion and violence at the capitol were appalled at their actions and the inaction of their leader Trump , while his government was attacked. The subsequent hearings to identify the perpetrators and thugs who mowed down capitol police on their way to desecrating the capitol and hunting down elected officials confirmed that this was an attempt to destroy and take over the government of the U.S.. We saw this all with our eyes. No excuses for these traitors and seditionists, and they should b all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    • Red Creek, i assume you only want to apply that to the people who entered the capitol. I think that’s good for a trespassing charge, and vandalism and more for those who did more. That seems fair enough. Since you feel so strongly about maintaining law and order, I also assume that you want to track down all the other people who attacked government buildings around the country in 2020 and subject them to the same fullest extent prosecution for what they did, correct? I’m a law and order kind of guy myself, but I feel very strongly that law and order applies to everyone equally and when it comes to protesters and rioters in 2020 that does not seem to be the case.

    • Yes GER8T! Many commenters here are calling for anyone who attended the 1/6 protest to be executed, tracked like a sex offender, or generally cancelled. If these commenters are willing to overlook, ignore, or excuse far more violent events that occurred on a much wider scale that were carried out by other people, then I don’t believe they are really concerned about what the people who attended 1/6 did. Instead, these commenters feel the people who attended 1/6 are sub-human and feel a strong desire to harm them based on who they are rather than what they did. This attitude is dangerous and authoritarian.

  4. Hi Sac Jon, I’m not endorsing criminal behavior, I’m just saying that the world has seemed to have forgotten what it means to have the right of free speech, and how important it is to be able to question government. And, before you tell me how far off base I am on my understanding of the election procedures, perhaps you should study those a bit yourself.
    Publishing articles about people simply being present at a protest and consequently labelling those people as insurrectionists shows me that nobody could give a hoot about once was thought to be the inalienable right of free speech. Clearly, raising such a question merits my comments being deleted, as will this reply probably be deleted. This is a very very slippery slope that we’re on, and it seems to me that we’re already rapidly sliding. Just wait til this slope ends where a right that you feel important to you has been trampled on and you’ll wonder why you have no recourse

  5. Your comment was deleted because you gave completely incorrect information about the election. If you think that the Jan 6th thugs were just exercising free speech you are also incorrect. They, along with this SY valley lady, invaded the US Capitol with the expressed intention of disrupting the counting of the Electoral votes.

  6. PIT – nothing was dubious about the 2020 election. It’s been proven ad nauseum and even Trump’s team admitted he knew it was a fair election while he was spewing lies. Please stop with the conspiracy theories. Lot’s of people are getting help getting out of Q, I suggest you look into it.

  7. To: sbletsgetalong – 140 Capitol Police officers were injured, and 1 was “killed” while trying to do their job, protecting our Capitol. They were NOT” welcoming in” the angry mob that was attacking and assaulting them. Yes, this was “violent” – definitely NOT a peaceful protest ! This was an attempt to overthrow our government…… You choosing to believe misinformation and then post it here is not in any way helpful … and is the exact opposite of your screen name “LETSGETALONG”

  8. Yet it was ok for thugs to burn down my home town if Portland. Harm many people violence that was overlooked. Business that were burned and vandalism out of control. That was ok. Unless you were there you really don’t know.and to boot a VP who donated money to bail the ones out that did get briefly arrested.

    • Meek, your “what about this” comment is pure b.s.
      We have been in Portland every year for 3 years as our daughter attended and then graduated Portland State U this year. I didn’t see Portland “burned down” although it has been a long slog cleaning the City and helping the homeless find housing. In fact, this June when she graduated, Portland never looked better. Perhaps the protestors woke up the government there to the squalor and poverty that was evident on the streets. A heck of a lot different that trying to disrupt the certification of a presidential election and kidnap/and or harm elected officials.

    • what about, what about, what about. What about Ammon Bundy leading an armed militia to stand off against the Government in Oregon? What about Bundy and his cronies illegally occupying federal land?
      So many what abouts but nothing comes close to what happened on 1/6 in the last 100 years of the US history. Nothing at all.

    • MEBK – no one ever said the rioters were “ok” and if you bothered to watch/read the news, thousands of them were arrested and hauled off in unmarked vans.
      Why do you people (insurrection defenders) always cry about how “the riots were ok” when you KNOW they were arrested in masses? Far right propaganda strikes again!

    • Off topic. stop whatabouting. The article you’re commenting on is about the cowardly, traitorous attack on our nation’s capitol in an attempt to overturn a presidential election (the very definition of “Insurrection,” no matter what news source you “read”), the very FOUNDATION of our democracy…… NOT people rioting over racist police violence. Two very different topics and two very incomparable events.

  9. I’m so sick of this stupid conservative argument “But what about BLM?”. This has nothing to do with BLM protests. Those were bad, but it’s apples and Oranges. What’s at stake here is the INTENT of 1/6 protesters not the results. US citizens stormed the Capitol in hopes of turning over an election based on false beliefs promoted by the President of the United States. Now, say that slowly and get into your head.
    I fully agree that it could have gone much worse. There could easily have been more violence, more death, and more destruction. But it doesn’t change the fact of WHAT they were trying to accomplish and WHAT drove them to such delusional beliefs.

  10. PIT – too many Q surfers around here. Can’t believe you’re defending the insurrectionists. It wasn’t a “demonstration,” it was a violent attack on the seat of our democracy. People weren’t peacefully protesting, they physically attacked police officers and went hunting, some with hand ties, for our politicians while screaming “hang Mike Pence” while the dunderheaded president stood by and did nothing to stop them for over 3 hours, even while they were inside the Capital building.
    To see what we all saw and then defend it as a “demonstration” indicates a severance with reality…. brainwashing if you will.

  11. PitLocal, if they had stayed at the demonstration and not shoved down the fences, had not attacked and overrun the Capitol Police, had not entered the Capitol building through the broken doors, etcetera, then there would be a better argument that these people were “just present at a demonstration”. But that’s not what happened. I can appreciate how a mob mentality can take over what may have been intended as a protest against what one (innocently) believed was wrong. But that’s not what happened by those who entered the Capitol Rotunda and hallways and chambers. Trashing of government property and cities, too, is not constitutionally-protected activity. Even though one may think what one wants, no matter how deluded it may be to most others, one may not act on those thoughts without consequences.

  12. Anti-American traitors don’t belong anywhere in government, even on the local level. As a public leader she represents her community and all the people in it. Adherence to extreme beliefs calls into question not only her impartiality but also basic competence and recognition of the system she’s working in. The candidate she supported lost 63 election lawsuits in various courts around the US…

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