Santa Maria Police Search for Suspect

Source: Santa Maria Police Department

It was reported earlier that Lindsey Winters was arrested for drug-related charges in connection with a narcotics search warrant in the 300 block of West Harding. Further investigation revealed that Kady Feliz used Winters name and is now wanted for using another person’s name to avoid prosecution. Anyone with information on Feliz’s whereabouts is encouraged to contact the Sana Maria Police Department.

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Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. “Experience?” Whooooo you’re so cool, you know tweekers. Dude(ette), I’ve been there, done that. I know what they “look” like and it’s not always the same. You can’t judge a person’s life and habits based on a booking photo taken under horrible lighting and other unpleasant circumstances. Most people look crappy in their mug shots. Doesn’t mean they’re all “tweekers.”

  2. I’m not cruel I just said what I thought by voicing my opinion it’s still legal, right? she does look like a tweeker though I used top have a neighbor who would pick his face all the time his face was beat red his hair well…It wasn’t Heroin, LSD, or weed. He got obsessed with me said he’d kill for me he was alittle scary those guys scare me.

  3. How do you know she was a “tweeker?” It just says “drug-related charges.” Could have been heroin (“junkie”), cocaine (“coke head”), LSD, MDMA, even just some weed. It bugs me how people look at someone’s mugshot and then attempt to joke about their life as if they know exactly what’s going on based on a photo taken at a police station.

  4. Once again, everyone assumes it’s meth! She doesn’t look that bad, it’s very possible she could be wanted for POT charges and just have a case of rocacea and or acne! Her eyes are likely red from crying during the arrest preceding this mugshot. Ever notice most women look a little teary eyed in their mugshots? I really don’t care either way, but it really irks me how people look at someone’s booking photo and then make assumptions about their life. Sitting there at your keyboards judging people, it’s really kind of sickening what we have become. Go ahead and down-vote me some more, but that voice in your head saying “hey, maybe I’m being a bit too judgmental” is called your conscious.

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